If you dream about it.....

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Evelyn's P.O.V

Chemistry class was boring and so is Mr. Harris, so when class was over I practically ran with Alison to our next to class "I can't believe Lydia's your twin sister" Alison stated breaking the comfortable silence "Yeah, Lydia can be a handful sometimes but we're best friends. We always seem to know when somethings wrong or if one of us is hurt. It's weird" I said looking through the crowd of students "no, it's cool but you and Lydia seem like two completely different people" I nodded agreeing with her "we are but we're also the same in some ways" Allison was about to reply when we bumped right into Scott.

"Hey Alison, Evelyn" he greeted shyly, I smiled at him "hey" Alison tucked her hair behind her ear. I watched smirking as they just stared at each other, Scott looked down at the coat hanging over Alison's arm "where did you get that?" he snapped, I furrowed my brows looking down at the coat "It was in my locker I think Lydia put it in there after the party" Alison replied casually "did she say that?" Scott pressed as he glanced around frantically.

"Well who else would have? It wasn't me" I hissed crossing my arms over my chest, Scott signed looking between Alison and I "I don't know someone" he resorted awkwardly. I rolled my eyes at him as Alison just looked at him waiting for an explanation "someone like who?" she questions looking up at Scott "someone like Derek" he stated quietly, Alison perked up and smiled "oh your friend Derek?" Alison said cluelessly. I nodded but before I could reply Scott crossed his arms over his chest "he's not my friend, did he say anything to you?" Alison shook her head and raised an eyebrow at him. I tried to step on his toe to tell him to back off but I missed "did you say anything to him?" Alison stared at him like he had three heads and stepped back "sorry I have to get to class" she mumbled disappearing in the opposite direction "nicely done Scott" I said patting his chest.

Scott was racing into the car park "will you slow down, you look like a crazy person" I spat following behind him, he unchained his bike and got on "where are you going?" I crossed my arms over my chest "we're going to see Derek, get on" he said gesturing to the front of his bike. I burst out laughing but choked when I realized Scott was still waiting for me to get on "wait you're serious" he gave me a look, I signed climbing on to the front "If you drop me I'll kill you"


I groaned as Scott almost dropped me when he got off his bike "Derek" Scott yelled storming towards the burnt down house in front of us "Derek I know you can hear me" Scott bellowed again. I noticed the freshly dug hole at the side of the house and the now noticeable smell of blood. I turned to see Derek standing on the porch staring at us expectantly "leave her alone she doesn't know anything" Scott snarled "and what if she does" Derek questioned stepping off the porch "she doesn't" his dark eyes turned to me as he moved closer to us.

Derek picked up Scot's lacrosse stick "what happens Scott? when you play that game Saturday?" Derek poked Scott's chest "when you shift in front of them, in front of your mom, Alison that's when it all falls apart" Derek provoked, his nails turning to claws as he tore the netting on the lacrosse stick then he threw it in the air. Scott caught the stick with no effort as Derek disappeared "he's an ass" I thought out loud "come on Evelyn, let's get out of here" Scott grabbed my hand and pulled me towards his bike. Well, this was a waste of time.

"No" I stated simply as I twirled my hair around my finger "what? come on Ev please" Stiles whined, he was fidgeting more than usual "what's your big plan Stiles?" I snapped closing my locker and turning to face him "Scott told me about the hole at the side of Derek's house, we're going to prove that he killed the girl and get him arrested" Stiles explains, looking at me like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Oh? so you want me to help you dig up the other half of the body?" Scott and Stiles nodded together, I signed glancing between them "you owe me big time" I mumbled in defeat, Stiles grinned and went to hug me but I stopped him. Placing my hand on his forehead pushing him back "if you even dream about it, you better wake up to apologize" I said pushing his body away from me.

I sat on the ground as Scott and Stiles dug up the hole "well this is fun" I snorted sarcastically "what happens if he comes back" Scott asked looking over at Stiles "oh I have a plan for that, we all run in different directions and whoever he catches first, too bad" I stared at Stiles in amusement "I hate that plan" Scott stated shaking his head "I love it. We can run faster than you Stiles so the person Derek is going to catch first is you. Then it will be bye-bye Stiles" Scott laughed out but covered it with a cough, while Stiles leaned on his shovel and stared at me "so beautiful yet so cold"

Scott hit something with his shovel "I think I've found it" he bent down and began untying knots that were tied tightly around a black bag "why did he have to tye it in so many knots?" Stiles groaned I rolled my eyes at him "let me" Scott ripped through the ropes with his claws and open the bag.

Stiles literally screamed and jumped out of the hole into my lap "what is that?" I panicked pulling myself up to my feet. I pulled Stiles up next to me "It's a Wolf" he mumbled as we stared down at the black wolf "I thought you said you both smelt blood as in human blood" I sat back and sniffed the air again "I told you something was different" Scott snapped.

Stiles stood up and walked towards a purple flower "what are you doing?" I hissed quietly "you see that flower over there? its wolfsbane" he dug it up to see it was connected to a rope. Stiles continued to pull the rope until it was all up "urg guys look" I looked over the hole again to see the black wolf had been replaced with the top half of a body........


I stood next to Scott as the cops put Derek into the car "you do realize if he gets out, he'll probably kill us" I stated anxiously "what the hell is he doing?" Scott exclaimed as Stiles slipped into the back of the cop car with Derek "I'll be right back" I groaned walking towards the car ignoring Scott's protests. I got into the car "and trust me you'll want to" I heard Derek say, Stiles was yanked out of the car by his father, who hadn't noticed me. I turned back to Derek "what's going to happen to me?"

He didn't reply, I signed looking up at him. His green eyes searched mine, I gasped slightly "it wasn't you was it?" I asked as the realization hit me, he looked down at his cuffs and I knew I was right "you weren't the one who bit us and you didn't kill the girl" the corner of his mouth twitched up, but he didn't say a word.

I noticed the Sheriffs' coat on the seat next to me, reaching into the pocket I pulled out a small silver key "here, It's for the cuffs " I whispered gently as I push the key through one of the holes in the wired wall between us. It fell easily into his hands, he stared up at me with his brows raised "I'm sorry" I mumbled getting out of the car.

I opened my closet and changed into some high-waisted jeans and a black long selves t-shirt. I decided to pull my blonde curls into a ponytail, I was only going to watch the lacrosse game. "You Lovely Evelyn" my mom complimented as I joined her and Lydia in the kitchen "Girls I'm away next weekend on business" mom murmured as she closed her laptop "okay Mom, no problem" Lydia said as she grabbed her coat and pulled me towards the door. Game time.

The bleachers were full of people, it was overwhelming. I sat next to Alison and Lydia on the third row, the game was slow but I only really focused on Scott. Stiles sat on the sideline biting his nails, something he did when he was anxious. "Which ones Scott?" Alison's Dad asked from behind us, I almost jumped out of my skin "Number 11 also known as the one who hasn't caught a single ball the entire game" Lydia answered smugly "maybe he needs to warm up" I nodded agreeing with Alison. Lydia stood up holding a giant poster saying 'we love you Jackson' she stared at us expectantly "Evelyn, Alison a little help" she exclaimed gesturing to the poster. I groaned standing up to help her "Go Jackson" Alison and Lydia screamed, Scott's head snapped up to Alison and the poster in her hand. Suddenly all I could hear was Scotts heart rate increasing.

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