The Competition

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                     Sorry this chapter took so long and I hope it is worth the wait

          The song is butter by bts, it's amazing, I love it so so much 

Someone pointed out that my math was off so Slade is 19 years old not in his 20s, thank you for pointing it out to me thank you

                          A big thanks to @Inuyasha23123 Kelly for the idea 


I had decided it was time to go back to school and Mrs and Mr Goth agreed. I walked through the school door for the first time in a while but lucky for me Josh was there walking in with me, every time you are out of school for a while you always think everyone's head is going to turn towards you and all eyes are on you but it's all in your head and no one noticed apart from your friends but I'm apart of the Goth family so it did happen and no just the eyes on me but the quick turn away and whisper about what you heard about why I was gone for so long. I just blanked everyone but Josh out while we walked and went to sit down at a table. We were talking away happily.

"Lily !" I heard someone shout which made me and Josh looked up only to see Tucker with his arms out wide like he wanted a hug and a big smile on his face.

"Hi" I mumbled back not sure why he is acting like that. I looked at Josh confused but he just shrugged while Tucker decided to sit down and make himself comfortable

"Did you miss me? like I missed you ?" He asked 

"No ?" I spoke which came out more like a question than a statement 

"You just broke my heart, lily" Tucker put his hand on his chest making it look like his heart hurt, all I could do was shake my head at him. 

"Well I brought you something, I found it over on the wall over there" He pointed to the info board on the wall then he put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me. 

I looked at Josh who looked as confused as I did then I looked at the piece of paper, I wasn't sure if I should take it or not.

"It's not going to bite" He chuckled lightly 

"The paper isn't what I'm worried about," I told him

"I only bite when I'm asked" He smirked I rolled my eyes and then snatched the piece of paper off him which made him chuckle. 

I opened the piece of paper, it was a flyer asking for people to write a play for this year's Christmas play, normally they pick a random play but this year they decided to let students write their own play and enter the compaction and whoever wins the school will do their play and they get to direct it.

"I think you'll be perfect for it, lily" Tucker smiled while I handed the flyer to Josh so he would read over it as well.

"He's right lily, you should enter" Josh agreed with Tucker

"I don't know ...." I spoke while biting my bottom lip nervously 

After that the day was a blur, my mind was all about the compaction and if I should enter it. I was sitting in my bedroom looking at the flyer. I stood up and walked out my bedroom door with the flyer in my hand I walked down the stairs and into the dining room, I folded the flyer and put it in my pocket before I looked up at everyone sitting at the dinner table waiting for dinner to come out so I sat in between Spider and wolfy. Keegan and Slade were sitting on either side of Carrie, and the food started to come out and was placed in front of us. 

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