I can't

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This song has nothing to do with this chapter but its bts new song on and it's amazing! I love it so much this is one, please listen to it there are two videos to this and I love both of them so yeah give bts a try and I hope you love it just as much as I do.

I want to say thank you to my sister kat and my other sister Amy for reading this story and letting me know you both like it and thank you to kat and Kelly who are always helping me out with ideas or telling me if they are good ideas or not thanks to all three of you.

Sorry for taking so long and sorry if it sucks, I'm going throw a lot and struggling with things so here it is a new chapter.


I and Slade walked into the sitting room where everyone was sitting, as soon as I walked in shock came over me. My eyes filled with tears so I closed my eyes and looked away.

"I don't want to see you" I turned my back and was heading out 

"Please lily, Let me explain, please just talk to me" Mr Jones pleaded 

I couldn't move even though I wanted to run away and hide from him. Slade put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me to him for a big brother hug which by the way is the best hug. I cried in his arms for a while saying how I didn't want to hear it. 

"I know you don't but if you keep putting it off it will make it harder and harder for you to hear him out," Slade told me 

I nodded my head with tears in my eyes.

"Want me to be with you the whole time,"  He asked me 

"Yes, please" I nodded my head again

I and Slade walked in and walked over to the sofa and I sat beside Keegan one seat away from Mr Jones so Slade sat beside me on the seat closer to Mr Jones. I leaned into Slade and lightly grabbed Keegan's hand. Mr Jones looked down and thought about what he was going to say, he took a few breaths in and then out. 

"Ok, I'm your dad, I was still in high school when I meet your mum, she was my English teacher and I was young dumb and I thought I was in love so I did stuff I wasn't proud of and then you came along, I wasn't ready to be a dad but I do love you lily always have and always will, I was there when she had you, I saw you as much as I could then she stopped letting me see you then when I found out what she did I tried to find you, I'm so sorry it took so long to find you," He told me 

Keegan squeezed my hand lightly. 

"That's it" I mumbled while sitting up and shaking my head

"I know I'm not explaining it right and I'm not sure what to say" He looked down disappointed with himself  

"Why didn't you tell me? , why get a job at my school? , how did you find me when no one could find you!" I shouted a little 

"I got the job because I wanted to see you, I wanted to see if you were happy, I didn't tell you because I didn't want to mess up what you had if your life was good, I know a lot of teachers in a lot of different schools and one of the teachers heard you were a goth but wasn't born one so they sent your info my way and I know it was you after I read your short story and why I couldn't be found is because I was moving around a lot trying to find you, I gave up everything and went from school to school trying you find you" He nodded 

"Why wasn't she put in jail if you were only a student ?" I asked 

"Well people didn't know and when it came to your birth we told them I was her son, that's why my name isn't on your birth certificate but I was there, Slade can tell you I was if you don't believe me, I wanted to get a good job so I was working part-time and went to college to become a teacher so I didn't get to see you a lot but I did try to see you as much as I could," He told me 

I bite my bottom lip trying not to cry anymore. My mum was an English teacher who had sex with her student and he isn't on my birth certificate because he was too young. 

"If I could do anything for you please tell me and I'll do it if I can," He told me 

I sighed "Anything? anything at all?"

"Yes, of course, anything" He nodded 

I stood up and left the room then came back with the papers and handed him the papers.

"Get her to sign the papers and do the right thing and hand me over to Mr and Mrs goth" I shouted then left I walked out of the sitting room and up to my bedroom, I lay on my bed and I let the tears fall after holding them back for so long, I tried to wipe them away but they kept falling. I could have gone on with my life without knowing my blood mum had sex with her students just then there was a knock on my bedroom door. I took a deep breath and wiped my face with my hand. 

"Come in" I managed to say 

The door opened and Spider walked in, closing the door behind him. He walks over to the bed and sits on the edge of my bed.

"Are you ok ?" He asked me 

"Yes" I choked out 

"No your not" He spoke 

He pulled me up and pulled me into a hug while I cried more after some time of crying my tears started to calm down. 

"Did he leave?" I asked him

"Yeah, he left after you left," He told me

"I feel bad about what I said," I told him

"You shouldn't, you don't know him that well and you have every reason to be mad," he said while pulling away 

"But not at him" I spoke looking up at him

"You can be I mean he got a job at your school and didn't tell you he was your dad," he told me 

"He tried to get close to me without me knowing, who does that ?" I asked 

"Maybe people who aren't sure what to do, not sure the best way to approach you and did it the wrong way," He thought about it

"Is there a right way to tell someone?" I asked him

Spider thought about it but shook his head "I don't think so, someone tells you something like that will always be shocking, bad and maybe hurtful, it's a hard thing to take in but at least know you now" 

"I guess" I sighed 

"Do you want to get to know him?" He asked me 

"Not right now maybe one day but I can't" I light cried then yawned 

"Come on I think you should try to get some sleep," Spider told me

I nodded my head and got up, I went and got changed in my pyjamas and climbed into my bed, Spider climbed in with me and halt me while I drifted off to sleep in no time, happily letting this day end. 

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