Why Are You Here?

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After finishing my homework I was called down for dinner, I walked downstairs to meet Aiden on my way so we walked down together, I was telling him how I was going to join a writers club, Aiden was happy but a bit sad cause I would be staying late after school on Mondays and Thursdays but he smiled anyway then we walked into the dining room and I kind of stopped in shock when my eyes landed on tucker sitting at the table, I shook my head and sat on my seat in between Spider and Wolfy like I always do Tucker looked at me and smiled, the maids started coming out and placing the food out while Tucker turned to Mr and Mrs Goth.

"Thank you for letting me stay here while my family is away, I really appreciate it" He smiled at them 

"It's a pleasure to have you with us" Mrs Goth smiled 

"You are welcome here anytime" Mr Goth smiled as well 

After the maids put out all the food they started putting some on our plates.

"Lily, I found my old books and journals with my stories in them, come to my office after dinner and I'll give you them, "Mrs Goth smiled at me 

"Thank you" I smiled happily at her 

"I didn't know you were a writer, mum" Carrie spoke 

" Yes a long time ago, I used to love to write" She smiled back at Carrie

"That's so cool, I want to be a writer!" Aiden cheered 

"You can be Aiden, You can be anything you want to be as long as you put in the work you'll become what you want " Mr Goth spoke 

Mr Goth always told us this, Mr Goth came from nothing and built his life to become the man he is now. The maids had finished putting our food on the plates so we all started to eat our delicious food. Not long after we started eating one of the maids came into the dining hall and walked over to Mrs Goth and whispered into her ear.

"Let them in and set two more plates please" She smiled 

The maid nodded and then headed off while another maid set two plates out. 

"Keegan and Slade are here" Mrs Goth smiled 

"Yay!" Aiden cheered 

Just then the main come back with Keegan and Slade following not far behind but then they stopped.

"Sorry we didn't know you were having dinner, We can come back later" Slade spoke 

"No, don't be silly, come eat with us" Mrs Goth smiled at them

"Come on boy, sit down," Mr Goth told them

"Thank you so much" Slade spoke 

Then Keegan and Slade sat down while the maids dished out some food for them.

"I'm sorry we dropped in without calling first but we really missed lily," Slade told us    

"You don't need to apologise, You both are welcome anytime," Mr Goth told them

"Thank you" Keegan smiled happily 

We all eat our food than after the food, we had pudding. After we were done we all sat at the table talking for a bit before we went our separate ways, I went with Mrs Goth to her office to get her old book and journals then I heard up to my bedroom but meet Tucker on the stairs.

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