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This is bts Christmas show back in 2019 but it's amazing and I love it 

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Merry Christmas to all you master fans out there, Hope your Christmas is amazing as you

Hope this chapter is better 


I opened my eyes and stretched a little while I opened my eyes just as my bedroom door swung open.

"It's Christmas !" Aiden and Keegan shouted then ran off 

I couldn't help but chuckle then sat up in bed, I throw off my covers and climbed out of bed grabbed my dressing gown and put it on then slipped into my slippers then headed downstairs. I walked into the sitting room where Aiden and Keegan were sitting on the floor in front of their gifts, and Mrs and Mr Goth were standing in front of the fireplace. 

"Morning kids" They smiled 

We started opening the presents when everyone was down in the sitting room. After opening the presents we sat down and enjoyed a nice light breakfast we all got dressed and then pilled into two limos. After driving for a bit we all piled out of the limos and walked to the boot and started getting the presents out and walked into the orphanage all the kids come running towards us as we started to hand them all out but a little girl no older than three, she had red hair, her eyes are green I walked over to her.

"Hi, my name is lily" I smiled at her

"I'm Ivy" She spoke quietly while she looked down

"It's a pleasure to meet you ivy, would you like this present ?" I asked her 

She nodded her head as a yes so I told the present her, Ivy took the present from my hands, sat on the floor and started to open it. her eyes let up when she saw a colouring book and coloured pencils.

"waw" she smiled up at me 

I leaned down and helt out my hand for her to take. "Want to see if we can find some more presents ?" I asked her 

"More?" She looked at me surprised 

"Of course" I smiled 

Ivy took my hand with her right hand while she left clung to pencils and book, I walked her over to the girl's bag which was helt by Mrs Goth. There were different bags for different things this one was sleepwear. Mrs Goth looked in the bag and pulled out two presents for Ivy's age and helt them out to her.

"Which one would you like ?" Mrs Goth asked 

Ivy moved a little behind me like she was hiding.

"It's ok Ivy this is my mum you can take one," I told her 

Ivy looked up and me and slid out from behind me and pointed to the one that was wrapped in silver paper with little white snow bears on it so I took it for her and handed it to her, Ivy sat down on the floor again and opened it, making sure her pencil and book were on her knee, Ivy open the present her eyes sparkled when she saw five sets of pj's all different colours all had stars on them. I helped her over to the next bag which was toys again Ivy picked the wrapping paper with silver snow on it, and Ivy kept trying to hold all of her gifts close while she walked.

"You can put them over there," I told her while I pointed to free space on one of the sofas 

Ivy shook her head no, she looked a bit scared. Ivy clumped down on the floor again and opened the toy gift she unwrapped a bear which far was all different colours on it. Ivy smiled happily and hugged it before wrapping all her gifts in a big hug. I sat down in front of Ivy, I couldn't help but smile at her she looked so happy but then she put all her stuff onto her knees.

"Do I get to keep these ?" She asked me quietly 

"Of course, they're yours to keep," I told her 

"Forever?" She asked 

"Yes, forever" I smiled at her 

Ivy got up onto her feet making sure all her gifts were in her hands she ran into my chest before I could get up I was a little shocked but wrapped my arms around her and hugged her. when we pulled away I couldn't help but smile more. After all the kids had got their presents we helped clean up all the wrapping paper and helped the kids put their stuff away but Ivy refused to let her go. One of the staff members walked up to me.

"Thank you for everything, I have to ask though how did you get Ivy to talk to you? she's been here for four months but never spoke a word to anyone or even helt anyone's hand or hugged anyone" She told me 

"I'm not sure I just told her my name and she told me hers, I didn't do anything special," I told her

"She has taken a shine to you," She told me 

"I guess, she really is adorable" I nodded 

"Yeah, I don't think she will put her gifts down anytime soon, her mum was a druggy so anytime Ivy got something as soon as Ivy put it down her mother took it and sold it," She told me 

This broke my heart "That poor girl, not be able to keep anything, hopefully, she will see she gets to keep her stuff here"

"I hope so" She smiled at me 

The woman patted me on the shoulder and then left. After cleaning up it was time to leave as I headed for the limo I felt a little tug on the bottom of my black knee-length dress which made me look down Ivy was standing there with all her gift in her arms. I leaned down to her, she had tears in her eyes.

"Hi ivy what's wrong ?" I asked her

"Please don't leave" She cried 

"I'll come back Ivy," I told her 

"Promise?" She asked 

"I promise" I smiled at her 

Ivy lifted her arms up so I picked her up and hugged her again then put her back on to her feet.

"Be a good girl" I patted her on the head 

Ivy nodded then ran back to the door, turned around and waved bye to me so I waved back so I turned to the limo and got in. After some more time in the car, we pulled up outside a homeless shelter so we all got out and walked in.

"Time to serve the homeless some yummy food" Carrie smiled happily 

We started helping everyone out in the kitchen cooking the food then when it was time to serve the food some of us did while some of us stayed in the back cooking and washing dishes. I washed the dishes while Spider dried them and put them in piles for when they are needed again, we even gave the kids at the homeless shelter presents as well because no one should go without a present on Christmas. After the homeless shelter, it was time to go home once we were home, we sat down for our Christmas dinner, and we gave thanks for everything we have from the roof over our heads to the clothes we wear. I was thankful for everything and everyone I have in my life and for meeting little Ivy today. 


From Author 

I hope you all had a good Christmas and spent it with the people you love, be thankful for everything you have and don't forget some of the best gifts are free like being an ear for someone who needs to talk, send love to those who need it and be nice to everyone even the ones who don't deserve it. The best thing in life is a smile sometimes that's all someone needs is a friendly face. Be nice to everyone and spread a little love even the smallest thing can be the best thing for them. 

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