Meet Lily and Spider

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                                                        the picture is of spider, enjoy him lol 

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                                                                      ( 13 years later) 

I rolled over as my alarm went off, I reached my hand up and hit it off, I sleepily sat up and rubbed my eyes, stretched and yawned then got out of bed. I walked into my own bathroom and showered, The shower felt amazing and it woke me up. Once I was finished I turned the shower off, got out and grabbed my towel then wrapped it around myself, brush my teeth and all my other business then left the bathroom. I smiled lightly to myself like I did every morning thinking how I'm just so thankful to the Goth family for taking me in. I dried myself off and changed into a pair of black skinny jeans, a plain black top and my black boots. I dried and straighten my shoulder-length black hair, put on some black eyeliner to make my dark brown eyes pop then skipped out of the bedroom and walked into the room next door. I slowly opened the door and quickly closed it behind me when I walked over to the curtains and opened them letting the sunshine through the window Then I walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on. Once it was on I walked over to the bed, I leaned down a bit looking at his face.

"Master, it's time to wake up," I said while reaching out to touch my master's hair 

But then my master grabbed my hand quickly and pulled me on top of him. Master looked into my eye's then smirked. I sighed then got out of my master's arms and stood up.

"Do you have to do that every morning, Spider ?" I sighed  

"Yes" He smirked while sitting up and stretching 

Spider is 18 now, He still has black shaggy hair but it sits nicely on his shoulders, he is muscular now, still pale, he got snake bites and a nose piercing that is a loop in the middle of his nose like a bull, he was cute when he was 5 but know  6'0 in height and he's very handsome, a lot of girls want him and it's easy to see why. Spider's baby blue eye's looked at me.

"What ?" He asked me 

I didn't notice I was staring at him so I quickly looked away from him. 

"Just wondering ...... what kind of clothes you would like to wear today, Master? I lied while looking back at him

Spider ruffled his hair a bit while thinking then he looked back at me with sleepy eyes.

"Black jeans, no top it's too hot for that shit, everything else is up to you" He yawned

I nodded then walked over to his wardrobe and grabbed his jeans then to his set of drawers, grabbed his superman boxers and a pair of black socks and his black belt then placed them all on his bed.  Spider was still in his bed.

"Master, you must get out of bed and into the shower, " I told him

Spider sighed then leaned back against the headboard with his hands behind his head.

"I don't want to shower, I want my pet to bath me" He smirked with a wink

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Spider, you're not a little boy anymore, I can't do that," I told him

Spider used to get me to bathe him all the time when we were little but once he was 13, he stopped getting me to bathe him because he was no longer a kid. Spider smirked even more.

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