Mean While

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Hi everyone, sorry it took so long to get this chapter out I had writer's block and I just didn't know how to link the two chapters the sister night and the next chapter but hopefully I will have it now. This chapter is about what the boys were doing while the girls had their sister's night.

let me know what you think comment or vote if you like the chapter

Sorry, it's kind of short and hopefully the next one is longer.


                                                    Spider's P.O.V 

I walked into the games room and sat down on one of the beanbags, Wolfy was playing the Xbox with Josh who is actually pretty cool, I'm only saying that cause I know for a fact he isn't into lily but he is into Wolfy and wolfy is into him, I know my twin better than he knows himself. I would have left them to it but Lily is spending time with Carrie and Tucker is hanging out with some random girl whose I have no idea her name and to be fair I don't think he knows her name either, Aiden and Keegan were hanging out somewhere and Slade was working on a collage project I leaned back on the beanbag and let out a big sigh.

"Are you really that bored because lily is hanging with Carrie ?" Wolfy asked 

"Yes and no" I sighed again

"So why are you sighing if it isn't just causing your missing lily ?" wolfy asked

"Mum and dad are letting Carrie have a Halloween party this year and cause she's busy she wants us to work out some of the stuff" I sighed again

"Like what?, she get someone to decorate the house" Wolfy spoke while playing Skull and bones 

"Food, juice ?" Josh asked not even looking away from the game

"And our costumes include you, Josh," I told them 

It was wolfy's turn to sigh "Why did you agree to this ?"

"Funny how you think I had a choice in it, you say no to her," I told him while I pulled a small notebook and pen from my pocket 

"No, thanks .. fine but we're still playing while we come up with stuff" Wolfy nodded 

"Well you can make an eyeball platter which is mozzarella wrapped in prosciutto topped with a sliced olive" Josh shrugged 

"That's a good idea" I nodded while starting to write down the ideas 

"Ham and cheese rolls with monster faces on them made from stuff like cucumbers, peppers or carrots stuff as that," Wolfy said

"Yeah sound good and we can have small pizzas with cheese that looks like a ghost" I added 

The guys nod "Instead of pigs in blankets we can make the bacon look like wraps and add eyes to make them into mummy's" wolfy suggested 

"Can't forget to have deviled eggs" Josh added "and maybe Pastry shaped like snakes with some kind of red dip" 

"We can make pumpkin soup in cups with fake flies or spider webs on top" I nodded  "That's enough meal foods so know sweet food" 

"Well there is the normal stuff like toffee apples, chocolate apples, fudge and tablet," Josh said 

"We can have a big chocolate cake made to look like a devil and called it devil's food cake, we can have small fudge cupcakes that look like ghosts, spider webs that kind of thing," Wolfy said 

"Yea and orange-flavoured pumpkin cookies and snowballs shaped like bats" I added 

"Yeah that sounds like a plan and enough food" Wolfy nodded and so did josh 

"Juice could be just random and use Halloween glasses" I shrugged not really wanting to do this 

"yeah but now we have to think of costumes ?" Wolfy sighed "I'll be a werewolf ?"

"Waw how long did it take you to come up with that ?" I rolled my eyes at him which made him give me the middle finger 

"I'll be a reaper" I shrugged again

"I'll be a dead undertaker" Josh added 

"Ok good we are all done with that so she can't moan about it" I put my notebook and pen back in my pocket before I lay my head back and looked up at the ceiling 

"Anyone bringing dates ?" I asked

"I'm thinking about bringing someone" Wolfy spoke

"Oh! really cool who ?" Josh asked in surprise 

I looked at Wolfy with a smirk "Yeah, wolfy who ?"

"Well ..." Wolfy looked nervous, he was blushing a little bit and rubbed his hand at the back of his neck "Well... I was wondering if ...." But he stopped and paused the game before looking down. Josh looked at him confused 

This is the first time I've seen my brother act like this it was kind of adorable but teasing him is way more fun.

"Come on tell us Wolfy or at least tell us is it a girl or a boy ?" I asked

Wolfy bites his bottom lip nervously "They are a boy"

"And their name ?" I smirked 

Wolfy put his head down not able to look at Josh.

"Ok, what about the first letter of his name ?" I smirked 

Yes I know I'm being mean to him and teasing him but I'm his brother I'm allowed to.

"it begins with the letter J" He bites his bottom lip more 

"ok, I'll be the nice guy and put you out of your misery" I spoke "Josh will you go to the Halloween party with Wolfy?"

Josh looked at Wolfy with wide eyes "You want to go with me ?"

Wolfy finally looked at him and nodded "Yes, I want to go with you, if you want to go with me?" 

"Yes, I would like to go with you" Josh smiled happily

"I now pronounce you both on a date" I smirked at them which got me a middle finger from wolfy and a chuckle from Josh.

I think the Halloween party is going to be interesting, can't wait to see what Lily will wear and what will happen between Wolfy and Josh is anything. For the first time ever I can't wait for this Halloween party but as for the rest of today, I guess I'll be bored waiting for sister night to finish.

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