Not You Again

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Hi fan, sorry it took so long

Thank you for voting and for your comments and support 

Please keep voting and commenting if you like my story

Just want to say a big thanks to thatweirdotaku for my new amazing cover!

 The picture is a picture I found and edited it 

Hope you all enjoy this chapter 

Poem by Kelly Brown Inuyasha23123 


I was sitting in my first writer's club thinking about last night. 


Tucker and Spider came in and took some cookies from the plate then they sat down with us.

"Hay! those are our cookies!" Aiden pouted

"Not anymore" Spider smirked 

After all the cookies were gone Aiden and Keegan ran off to Aiden's room to play a video game so I sat on my bed with Spider and Tucker on either side of me watching a movie on Netflix.  Tucker kept stroking my arm without Spider noticing, I just wanted to push him away from me but couldn't he's Spider's best friend so I can't stop him Spider will get mad and I'll be back on the streets. I just tried to ignore him as much as I could until he went to bed and left me with Spider, Spider slept beside me last night which I didn't mind.

                                *End of flashback*

I tapped at my notebook while I waited for the club to start Wolfy was with me today, he was sitting at the back of the class doing his homework. Mr Jones made a circle with the chairs in the middle of the classroom so we could all see each other, people walked in and took a seat while Mr Jones wrote on the blackboard as I waited I saw someone sit in the chair next to me, I looked beside me to see trucker sitting there smiling.

"Not you again, what are you doing here ?" I asked him

"What I can't love to write?" He asked back

"Doesn't seem like your thing" I sighed 

"Actually Tucker is very good at writing poems," Mr Jones told me as he sat in the other seat beside me     

"Really, Poems?" I asked in shock

"You are a writer lily, you should know never to judge a book by its cover" Mr Jones smiled 

"That's true" I nodded 

Mr Jones started the first writer club, everyone intrigued themselves and told everyone what kind of writing they like to do some were stories, some were poems, some were articles and some wrote music. It was good to see all the different people's ways of writing. 

"Does anyone want to read out any of their work?" Mr Jones asked 

"I will" Tucker put his hand up 

"Alright, tucker go for it" Mr Jones smiled happily 

Tucker stood up looking pleased with himself, he flicked through his book until he found one then he started reading out loud...

 "The world passes by and I still see your pretty face my heart races and my mind goes blank as I see your smile. Your voice echoes through my mind, making my heart swell at every syllable. The colour of your eyes brightens even the darkest of my days while capturing the essence of the morning light. The small curls in your hair have captured my soul in their grasp, the silky locks of love. Your hair owns the beauty of the stars and makes the precious stone only look dull. You have stolen my heart with your unforgiving beauty, leaving me yearning for your gaze alone. To be in your presence brings me the happiness of a newborn and I wouldn't trade it for the world"  

After Tucker was finished everyone clapped including me. Tucker bowed over and over again while everyone clapped After the clapping stopped Tucker took his seat.

"That was really good Tucker, seems like you had a girl who inspired you" Mr Jones Smiled 

"Yeah, she's one amazing girl," He told him

Mr Jones chuckled then shook his head. He turns to everyone and some of the other club members read out some of their work as well. I couldn't bring myself to stand up and read out my short story, my story was about my life, and I couldn't read it out and let everyone know my secrets. After the club ended we all got ready to leave.

"Lily can I have a word with you before you go," Mr Jones asked me

"Of course" I smiled lightly while packing everything away

Wolfy walked over to me and gave me a one-arm hug.

"I'll wait in the hall for you" He whispered then let me go and walked out the door

Once the last student was out they closed the door behind them so Mr Jones turned to me and smiled.

"How come you didn't read your story out ?" He asked me 

I looked away from him.

"It's my life story, I don't want people to know I wasn't loved by my own parents and abandoned by them," I told him

Mr Jones kneeled down in front of me.

"Your parents love you I'm sure of it but I understand you didn't want people to know, your story is between me and you" 

"Thank you but if my parents loved me, why leave me in a park?" I asked him

"Not all parents are grown up enough to have a kid and some don't have their life in order," He told me

I finally looked at him. 

"So it wasn't my fault ?" I asked gulping back the tears

"Lily, none of it was your fault," He told me

"You can't be sure though" I spoke 

Mr Jones looked away and sighed "You're right I can't be but a good family took you in and thinks of you as one of them so it wasn't all bad right ?" 

"Yeah, your right" I lightly smiled

"Good, lily if you ever need to talk my door is always open," Mr Jones told me

"Thank you" I smiled at him

"How about you write another story and read it to everyone at our next meeting or the one after that if you aren't finished it" Mr Jones smiled

"Yeah I'll come up with something" I nodded 

"Sounds like a plan" He smiled 

Then he stood back up and I did as well when I walked over to the door.

"Bye Mr Jones" I turned back and waved 

"Bye Lily" He waved back 

I opened the door and then walked out of it. Wolfy was standing beside the door leaning against the wall, he had one of his feet on the wall. As soon as he saw it was me he used his food to stand up off the wall. I walked to him then we started walking to the exit.

"What did he want ?" Wolfy asked 

"He asked why I didn't read out my short story and asked if I would write another one for the next meeting or the meeting after that," I told him

"Alright, but why didn't you read out your story ?" He asked 

"Because it was about my life and being left in the park, I didn't want anyone to know my life," I told him

"I understand that" He smiled 

Wolfy put his arm over my shoulder and kissed my head lightly. 

"You'll be alright" He smiled then we walked to the limo then went home 

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