The Play

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The song is my universe by Coldplay and bts, I'm not a Coldplay fan but this song is so sweet 

Hope this chapter is better than the last one

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Sorry if it sucks hope the next chapter is better 


It was the day of the play and I was up early so I could grab some breakfast before I go to school to get set up before tonight, I told spider he didn't have to come in with me but he decided he was. We had pancakes with syrup while we run through what we had to do today and at what time. I was starting to get nervous, what if it's not as good as I thought or as people thought but mostly I was worried about Tucker, he's good at acting but he can mess around as well. After breakfast, I and Spider got into the limo and went to school, we walked straight to the hall and made sure all the backgrounds were in play, the lights were right and the costumes were all there and everything was where it should be which it was once we know everything was where it should be we headed to class the rest of the day was like every other day so after school. Wolfy was walking me to the hall.

"I can't wait to see your play tonight, mum and dad have been talking about how proud they are of you and excited they are for tonight," He told me  

"I'm really nervous," I told him

"That's understandable, it's your first play and your first time being a detector as well so being nervous is normal but don't worry as long as you've done your best and if tucker messes it up I'll beat him up" Wolfy smiled which made me smile I can't help but smile when wolfy smiles he just has that kind of smile that can make anyone smile.

"Thanks, Wolfy" I smiled lightly at him

We got to the hall. 

"I'll be cheering for you lily, catch you later" Wolfy spoke before he walked off 

I waved goodbye to him before I opened the hall door and walked in. Spider was already there with most of the crew and actors. I walked over to spider and stood beside him putting my school bag on the chair close to me. 

"Where is tucker ?" I asked 

Spider looked at me like I was an idiot. 

"Detention" I sighed "Why why why did he have to be good at being Nicolas"

"Don't worry Lily, he knows his lines and where to stand, he's got it covered?" Spider told me 

"That's not what I'm worried about what if he does it annoying swag walk" I spoke 

"Then I'll kill him" Spider shrugged like it was nothing 

All I could do was sigh and then turn to everyone "Ok, everyone this is the final run-through before tonight" 

The rehearsals went really well and Tucker turned up after detention he did everything perfectly he didn't even do his annoying walk. Before I know it it was six-fifty-five pm and we were opening the curtains soon everyone was in their costumes, their make-up was done they were ready for the play to begin.

"Can I say something before we start" I spoke 

Everyone gathered around me everyone looked so happy and excited about the show.

"I just wanted to say thank you all for your hard work everything looks amazing, you all worked so hard getting into these characters and the sets are so good better than I thought we would get them so whatever happens tonight I'm so proud of all of you so break a leg and let's get this show on the road" I spoke 

Everyone cheered and then the show began while the show was going I was helping everyone else make sure their outfits were perfect, I got to watch some of it but not all of it. Everything was wild behind the scenes and crowded with the actors, makeup artists, and someone to make sure the costumes are right and if there was any stitching or patchwork needed.  The play went really well even Tucker behaved himself, everyone got all of their lines perfect, everyone behind the scene was amazing everyone did their jobs they did them so well. As the last scene finished the curtains closed everyone went on to the stage the curtains went up and everyone bowed then waved for me to go over with them but I shook my head no Spider took my hand and pulled me onto the stage everyone was cheering and clapping I couldn't help but smile. We all bowed and the curtain closed again. We all got off the stage and went behind it. After tired everything up it was time to leave as soon as I walked out the door Mrs Goth run up to me and hugged me then let me go but helt my hands.

"Oh my god, lily your play was amazing" Mrs Goth smiled 

"Thanks" I smiled back

Mrs Goth let my hands go while Mr Goth walked up to me with a bunch of flowers and handed them to me which I took happily then he kissed me on the head.

"Amazing work lily, never thought of Santa as an orphan" He smiled at me

"Thanks, Spider helped me out a lot" I smiled 

"Good job son" He smiled and patted him on the shoulder lightly 

We all got into the limo and then headed to a nice restaurant. We all walked in and got a table we ordered our food.

"Tucker was really good as the teen Santa" Mrs Goth " Who knew he was good at acting"

"I didn't and I've known him for years" Spider shook his head

"He keeps surprising me every time I see him" Carrie nodded 

The waitress came over and put our food down in front of us so we started eating. We started eating our food which was amazing. After eating our dinner we went home and watched a movie. It was really relaxing and calming after spending so much time telling people what to do I was really happy with how my play went and how much work everyone put into it. 

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