Chapter One

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"In the practice of medicine, change is inevitable. New surgical techniques are created. Procedures are updated. Levels of expertise increase. Innovation is everything. Nothing remains the same for long. We either adapt to change, or we get left behind. Change, we don't like it. We fear it because we can't stop it from coming. We either adapt to change or get left behind. It hurts to grow. Anybody who tells you it doesn't is lying. But here's the truth: sometimes the more things change, the more they stay the same. And sometimes, oh, sometimes change is good. Sometimes change is everything" 

"there's something in the wind, i can feel it blowin' in"

Cristina's interns walked up to her. One of them was Beck Jacobs. "I have five rules. Memorize them. Rule number one, don't bother sucking up, I already hate you. That's not gonna change", she said.

Holly was with her interns which included Aurora Sloan. "Rule number 2: trauma protocols, phone lists, pagers and answer every page at a run", she said, before walking away expecting them to follow. They didn't. She sighed. "You're supposed to follow me", she said. They rushed after her.

Lucy was with her interns which included Lexie Grey. "Your first shift starts now and lasts 36 hours. You're grunts, nobodies, the bottom of the surgical food chain. You run labs, you write orders, you work every second night until you drop, and you don't complain", she said, smiling.

Meredith showed the interns on-call rooms which included Kelly Ripa and George O'Malley. "On call rooms. Sleep when you can, where you can. You know, but not with anybody. Not attendings...especially not attendings. Sleeping with attendings...not a good idea. Where was I?" she said. "Rule number three?" Kelly questioned.

"Right. Rule number three. If I'm sleeping, do not wake me unless a patient is dying"

Lucy continued the rule. "The dying patient better not be dead when I get there, because not only will you have killed someone, you will have woken me for no good reason. Are we clear?" Lexie raised her hand. "That was only four rules", she said.

"Rule number five. When I move, you move"

There was an awkward silence where the interns just stared at her. "Go!" she yelled and they all left. She sighed and looked at her pager. "You couldn't help me out?" she said.

The new residents sat in the tunnels. "I hate them", Cristina said. "I think they're kinda cute. They're all bright and doe-eyed because they haven't realised how hard it's gonna be", Lucy said. "I think I messed up Bailey's speech", Holly sighed. "I think I'm the new Nazi", Alex smirked. "Yeah, and I'm God", Lucy remarked. George approached them. "Mer, I need to talk to you", he said. "How was your vacation, George? Ohio, was it fun?" Izzie asked. George ignored her. "Ohio was fine, Izzie. You could've asked me, I was there too", Holly said. "I spent the 17 days we had off alone, because Meredith, Lucy and Cristina went to Hawaii on Cristina's honeymoon so Alex was silent and boring", Izzie complained. "Everyone's being whiny when I was the one left at the altar", Cristina said.

"Rory, you made it!" Mark exclaimed, walking up to Aurora and hugging her. She smiled, hugging him back. "I was gonna surprise you", she said.

"What resident are you with?"

"Dr Kepner"

"Good, you won't get yelled at. Did you run into Derek or Lucy yet?"

"No, not yet"

"Kelly?!" Derek said, spotting Kelly. She smiled. "Derek!" she said, hugging him.

"I didn't know you were doing your residency here"

"Here I am. Do you know who the plastics attending is?"

"Mark Sloan"

"No way, Mark Sloan?"

"Yes, please don't sleep with him"

"I'm not, I'm just interested in plastics"

"Be careful"

Kelly approached Mark who was standing at the nurses station and stood beside him. He looked confused. She held out her hand and he shook it. "You probably don't remember me, I was pretty young when we met", Kelly said. "I'm Kelly Ripa, my family are friends of the Shepherd's. You slept with my sister Brie and broke her heart". "Oh, I remember your sister but not you, though I should've", he replied, smirking.

"I'm very interested in plastics. So I was wondering if you could be my mentor"

"Your mentor?"

"Like you could teach me"

"Teach you?"

"Are you just gonna repeat everything I say?"

"I'll think about it"


Alex, Lucy and Callie were treating Joey, a guy with an injured knee. "I want something to eat", Joey said. "That's a good sign", Callie said. "Is he gonna need surgery?" Lucy asked.


They looked at the x-rays.

Holly approached George. "How are you feeling about your first day as an intern?" Holly asked. "You could be the rockstar intern or the daddy intern". He looked at her and smiled. "Are you pregnant?" he asked.

"I don't know yet, I have to take the test. But I might be"

Lucy was about to approach Derek when she saw Mark approach him so she listened to their conversation. "I'm the one who needs a friend", Mark said. "I didn't come to Seattle for Addison or to be chief. I came to Seattle to get you back". They smiled at each other before hearing clapping behind them. They turned around to see Lucy smirking. "I've always wanted you two to shack up", she said, laughing. "I want to take it back now but I can't", Mark said.

"No, and you'll never hear the end of it. Not from me"

Beck and Kelly were in the locker room together. "We survived the day, right?" Kelly said. "Just about", Beck replied. They smiled at each other.

Aurora went back to her shared apartment with Kelly where her boyfriend Josh was waiting. She hugged him. "I'm so tired", she said. "Everyone's tired, it's the first day. You'll be fine", he asked.

"Yeah, you're right"

George waited outside the bathroom for Holly. She came out with her hand behind her back. "Well?" he asked. She smirked and pulled out two positive pregnancy tests from behind her back. He smiled and picked her up and spun her around.  

hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is change by lana del rey

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