Chapter Three

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"Doctors give patients a number of things. We give them medicine, we give them advice, and most of the time, we give them our undivided attention. But, by far, the hardest thing you can give a patient is the truth. The truth is hard. The truth is awkward, and very often, truth hurts. I mean, people say they want the truth, but do they really? The truth is painful. Deep down nobody wants to hear it, especially when it hits close to home. Sometimes we tell the truth because the truth is all we have to give. Sometimes we tell the truth because we need to say it out loud to really hear it for ourselves. And sometimes we tell the truth because we just can't help ourselves. And sometimes, we tell them, because we owe them at least that much" 

"for though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will see. there will be an answer. let it be"

Alex and Lucy were riding in the elevator holding hands. They smiled at each other before the interns got in. "George, you were really good with that code blue", Kelly said. They all murmured in agreement. Alex scoffed. Lucy hit him. They got off the elevator. "So, none of them know he's a repeater?" Alex asked. "Yes, and you're gonna keep your mouth shut or you're not getting any", Lucy said.

"Well, that's just unfair"

"Meredith is doing McDreamy and lying about it", Cristina said to Lucy. "Are you kidding me?" Lucy said.

"I think she's lying because she doesn't think I can handle it because of the Burke stuff"

"There's no reason for her not to tell me"

"You're a little judgy when it comes to their relationship, just a little"

"That's only because she can do better"

George and Holly got off the elevator holding hands. Suddenly, she gagged. George looked at her with concern. She ran to the bathroom holding her mouth. Izzie looked on with suspicion.

Meredith, Lucy and Cristina met at the nurses station. Cristina started to act sad while Lucy stifled a laugh. "I think the Burke thing is hitting me now. I don't want to talk about it yet. I just wish I had a bloody surgery, because that would make me feel better", Cristina said before walking off with her interns. Lucy followed closely behind her. "You are evil", she said, shoving her. Cristina shoved her back.

Meredith approached Beck. "I've taken over from Cristina in the ER, so you can come to me with your questions", Meredith said. "That's cool", Beck replied.

"You're pretty chill, aren't you?"

"I have nothing to worry about yet. I graduated top of my class"

"Confidence, I like it. Just live up to it"

"I will"

Meredith walked with Cristina and Lucy. "I've figured out what Cristina needs to get over her sadness", Meredith said. "You need us to all talk to get to the root of your feelings. We can talk and cry all night long". Lucy snickered. "You knew I was faking", Cristina said. "Well, we know that you're sleeping with Derek. Lying is not protecting us, Mer. That's not what we do. I'm dealing the best I can. So, I owe you a surgery and you owe me sex details". "You do not owe me any sex details", Lucy added. They all laughed.

George entered the hotel room where Holly was lying on the bed. She sat up and looked at his face. "Just say it", she said. "Izzie and I kissed", he said. Holly's face dropped. 

hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is let it be by the beatles

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