Chapter Nine

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"We go into medicine because we want to save lives. We go into medicine because we want to do good. We go into medicine for the rush...for the high...for the ride. But, what we remember at the end of most days is the losses. What we lay awake at night replaying is the pain we caused or failed to cure. The lives we ruined or failed to save. So the experience of practicing medicine rarely resembles the goal. The experience too often is ass backwards and upside-down" 

"and it's hard enough to make it through a world that's already messed. all in good time, we'll be just fine"

Cristina and Lucy were dancing in Meredith's room. Meredith was watching them. "I'm too tense to dance", she said. "That's why we're dancing", Lucy said. "Come on". "I have a problem with Derek dating other women. If I had any sense at all, I'd stop with the break-up sex", Meredith said.

"Shut up"

Meredith gave in and started dancing. "I'm gonna tell Derek I don't want him to see other people", Meredith decided.

Alex and Lucy stood in a room talking. "We're late for Sloan", she said. He pushed her against the wall and kissed her. She laughed. "That doesn't make us any less late", she said. He kissed her again. Meredith walked by. "We're late for Sloan", Meredith said, before walking away. Alex pulled away and sighed, burying his head in her shoulder.

The paramedics unloaded Jacob Nolston, a cardio patient, from the ambulance. Cristina and Izzie began to bicker over who gets the case. As they continued to bicker, Holly noticed another ambulance approaching at high speed. "Move!" she yelled and they all did. The ambulance crashed into the other one which tumbled across the ambulance bay.

Holly and Callie checked on the paramedics in the upside down ambulance. Ray was upside down in his chair, Stan was lying on the roof. "He's bleeding from his abdomen", Holly said. "We have to get them out". "We need to wait for the fire department", Callie said. Callie left to help with the other ambulance. "Don't leave", Stan begged Holly. "I won't. Somebody page the chief!" she said.

Callie examined Mary's elbow while Lucy observed. Derek came in for her consult. "I don't know why I had a seizure, I've never had one before", Mary said. "Dr O'Malley, schedule an MRI", Derek said to George. "Where's Shane?" Mary asked. "He's with Dr Bailey", Lucy answered. "Shepherd, you wanna fix the arm?" Callie asked Lucy. Lucy smiled and got ready to fix the arm. "I promise to let you know if I have any more info", Derek said to Mary. Lucy popped the shoulder back in.

"Kepner, get Stan's wife", Richard said to Holly. "The moment we move Stan, he's gonna bleed out. All the medicine in the world won't save him, so Stan's wife should get here soon if she wants to see him alive". "Okay", Holly whispered breathlessly, trying to hold back her tears.

"The metal has impaled your femur", Lucy told Jacob. "So, Dr Torres is gonna fix that while Sloan and Hahn repair the damage to your sternum". "Why is all this happening?" Jacob wondered. "My kids shouldn't see me like this, children aren't supposed to worry about their dad. They aren't supposed to comfort their mom".

"Your kids are fine. They're taking care of each other. They just want their dad to get better"

"Could you keep them updated while I'm in surgery, because my wife gets panicky if she doesn't know what's going on"

"I will do that"

Sara was crying and talking to Stan. Holly and Richard watched from a distance. "I've never seen Sara before. Before today, Sara was a complete stranger to me", Holly said. "I've never met her before and yet I'm the one that handed her the worst day of her life. That's who I am in her story". "That's the job", Richard replied.

"I know"

"Look at me. You feel helpless today, which makes you fight on other days and glad you have a chance to do anything at all. You better take it in"

A fireman took Sara away as she broke down. "It's time", Richard said. Holly took a deep breath as she took it all in.

Alex looked up at the gallery while in surgery to see Lucy watching the surgery intently. Their eyes locked and she smiled, she could see his smile through his eyes.

"We're about to free you", Richard explained to the paramedics. "We're gonna assess on who to free first". "Please, free Stan first", Ray insisted. "I'm gonna be okay and I might just get out of here paralyzed", Stan said. "Chief Webber, can that happen?" Richard looked at them but didn't respond. Holly came over. "It's possible", she said. "I believe it", Ray said. "Sara's inside, right? I don't want her to see any of this", Stan said. Holly nodded. "I want to look at you while it happens", Stan said to Holly. Holly's eyes started to fill with water. Stan and Ray held hands. "Let's do this", Stan said. They each told each other to live. The firemen started to free them. "Stop!" Stan yelled.

"Stop!" Holly yelled. "Look at Ray's back. The oxygen regulator is embedded in his back and he's gonna bleed out if we move him. I think it's cardiac tamponade. If we move him, the regulator could enlarge the tear in his heart". "We have to stabilize them in the ambulance", Richard said. "Stan, you're a hero for saving Ray's life". Stan had succumbed to his wounds. Richard started to give instructions but Holly couldn't look away from Stan.

Ray started panicking. "Ray, you have to stay completely still", Richard reminded. "Look at me, Ray, don't look at Stan. Look at me", Holly said. "I want to hear you say that you're not gonna die today".

"I need a pericardiocentesis, but we need an ultrasound to confirm it's a cardiac tamponade"

"I can get inside the ambulance" 

Holly crawled into the ambulance over Stan's body. Her eyes widened as she looked at his lifeless body and she started to panic. "I'm so sorry", she whispered to his body. She inched her way to Ray. He was deteriorating. "Just get in there and don't worry about Stan", Richard said. 

hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is is thing on by p!nk

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