Chapter Fifteen

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"The problem with being a resident is you feel crazy all the time. You haven't slept in years. You spend everyday around people in massive crisis. You lose your ability to judge what's normal, in yourself or anyone else. And yet people are constantly asking you to tell them how you're doing. How the hell are you supposed to know? You don't even know how you're doing. Don't wonder why people go crazy. Wonder why they don't. In the face of all we can lose in a day, in an instant, wonder what the hell it is that makes us hold it together" 

"i will love you anyway with all your demons in the way"

Callie and Beck were in the bathroom. Callie was brushing her hair and Beck was brushing her teeth when they heard the noise of the vacuum cleaner. They gave each other an alarmed look. Callie put down her brush and Beck spit into the sink and they made their way into the living room. Cristina was vacuuming. "You're cleaning?" Beck questioned. "Move your crap, or this thing's gonna eat it", Cristina said. Callie and Beck rushed to get their stuff off the floor.

Alex served Lucy breakfast at the bar. "The baby doesn't like that", she said. He grabbed the bin and held her hair while she threw up.

Lucy was standing at the nurses station when suddenly, she gasped. Everyone stared at her but she wasn't paying attention. She ran to the bathroom.

Kelly was in the skills lab practising when Mark walked in. "Hey, you're practising", he said, smiling. "Pretty much", she said, hammering it pretty hard.

"You need to ease up"


He went behind her and placed his hand over hers and showed her. He looked at her face, studying her features before she looked over and caught his eye. They stared at each other for a moment too long before Mark cleared his throat and walked away from her. "So, I'll let you get back to work, and I'll see you tonight", he said.

"Yeah, great, good, cool"

He nodded before leaving the room. "What the fuck?" she said to herself.

Lucy was in the bathroom stall, sobbing uncontrollably.

Lucy found Izzie and dragged her into an exam room in the clinic. "What's wrong?" Izzie asked. "Get Alex, just get Alex!" she yelled. Alex entered the room. "What's going on?" Alex asked. Izzie left the room. Alex looked at Lucy. She started crying. "I'm sorry, I lost our baby", she said. Alex pulled her into his chest. "We're going to be okay", he whispered into her hair.

Izzie and Alex stood outside Lucy's room. "Is she okay?" Izzie asked. "She's fine, mind your business", he said, before going into the room. Izzie watched as Alex helped Lucy out of her clothes.

Mark and Kelly were in bed together in Mark's hotel room. Mark was kissing her neck as she was talking. He stopped and he looked into her eyes. Butterflies filled her stomach while his breath hitched in his throat. He leaned in and kissed her. It wasn't like the way they had kissed before. It felt meaningful and almost romantic.

They lay in bed afterwards. Her head lay on his chest. "Is this too intimate?" she asked. "No, I think it's okay", he replied.


They then fell asleep. 

hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is i don't mind by joseph

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