Chapter Five

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"There's a reason surgeons learn to wield scalpels. We like to pretend we're hard, cold scientists. We like to pretend we're fearless. But the truth is we become surgeons because somewhere deep down we think we can cut away that which haunts us. Weakness, frailty, death. It isn't just surgeons. The truth is I don't know anyone who isn't haunted by something or someone. And whether we try to slice the pain away with a scalpel or shove it in the back of a closet- our efforts usually fail. So the only way we can clear out the cobwebs is to turn a new page or put an old story to rest- finally, finally to rest" 

"you and i walk a fragile line. i have known it all this time but i never thought i'd live to see it break"

In the kitchen, Izzie was decorating treats and Alex and Lucy were carving a pumpkin. Lucy went to get a knife from the drawer, shoving Izzie in the process. Izzie sighed in frustration. "Can't you just forgive me? Don't you think it would be a lot more peaceful?" Izzie asked. "No, I'm okay with hating you, I promise", Lucy said before stabbing the pumpkin aggressively. Meredith came in with her mother's urn before grabbing a plastic bag and emptying the ashes into it. The others looked shocked. "Happy freakin' Halloween", Alex said.

The residents except for Holly were in the locker room watching with concern as Meredith put her plastic bag full of her mother's ashes into her cubby. Bailey and Callie entered the room. "The pit will be overrun due to the annual chainsaw pumpkin carving contest and just keep control of your interns", Callie said. "Should we round before heading to the pit?" Izzie asked.

"All your questions should be redirected to Bailey"

"Should we all be doing that?" Lucy asked.

"No, just Stevens"

"Why?" Bailey asked. "Because she kissed and is in love with my husband", a tired looking Holly said from the doorway. "Holly, don't do this now", Izzie said.

"Why? When is a more convenient time? When I give birth to his child? That sure didn't affect your decision to chase him"

Everyone stared at the two. "Don't mind me. Pregnancy hormones", Holly said, laughing dryly. They all turned to look at Izzie. "That is more disturbing than Meredith's bag of mommy", Cristina said. Lucy nodded in agreement.

Kelly stood at the nurses station while Mark stood nearby. "Hey", he said to Olivia as she handed him a chart. "Don't smile at me", Olivia said. Another nurse murmured in agreement. "We are on to you, we've compared notes, pick up lines and techniques", Olivia continued. "Identical. We have formed a club. Nurses United Against Mark Sloan". "Any club activities?" he asked, smirking. They walked away disgusted. "Nice job", Kelly said. "Shut up, don't you have interning to do?", Mark said.

"I was distracted by the free entertainment"

"You satisfied yet?"

Derek approached with a little boy. "Daddy?" Ryan the little boy asked. Mark looked shocked and stared at Ryan. Ryan looked at Derek and they started laughing. Derek showed Mark a $20 bill before handing it to Ryan. "I'll be getting you back for that", Mark said. "I'm looking forward to it", Derek replied before walking away. Kelly grabbed a chart before moving closer to Mark. "Now, I'm satisfied", she said before walking away.

"Dr Karev, there's a request for you in curtain 3", a nurse told Alex. He pulled back the curtain to reveal Lucy in regular clothes. "What are you doing?" he asked. "I'm playing dress-up", she smirked. He pulled her in for a kiss.

Mark was looking at Ryan's scans when Kelly entered. "What do you want?" Mark asked. "Hey, you're supposed to teach me. I want in on this case. We can do the surgery pro bono", she replied.

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