Chapter Two

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"In the hospital, we see addiction every day. It's shocking how many kinds of addiction exist. It would be too easy if it were just drugs or booze or cigarettes. I think the hardest part of kicking a habit is wanting to kick it. I mean, we get addicted for a reason, right? Often, too often, things that start out as just a normal part of your life at some point cross the line to obsessive, compulsive, out of control. It's the high we're chasing, the high that makes everything else fade away. The thing about addiction is it never ends well, because eventually, whatever it is that was getting us high stops feeling good and starts to hurt. Still, they say you don't kick the habit until you hit rock bottom, but how do you know when you're there? Because no matter how badly a thing is hurting us, sometimes letting it go hurts even worse" 

"even if you see my scars, even if i break your heart. if we're a million miles apart, do you think you'd walk away"

"How are you feeling, you nauseous?" George asked Holly as they lay in bed. "I'm fine, I feel...happy", she smiled. He smiled back.

George and Lucy were talking in the residents lounge. "I'm about to be a father, I have to come clean to her", George said. "George, you are going to break her", Lucy replied.

"Run tests on the baby and keep me posted", Derek told Holly and Alex. They nodded and went to do so.

Dave tried to calm his son down but he wouldn't stop crying. Alex picked him up to calm him down. Aurora came back with the CT results. "Thank you, Dr Sloan", she said, taking a look before turning to the father. "It looks like Brian's okay, but we're gonna do a few more tests". She took Aurora off to the side. "Order an MRI and a tox screen", she whispered. Aurora ran off to do so and Holly gave Alex a look.

Izzie kept knocking things over in the trauma room. Lucy looked at her. "What's wrong with you?" she asked. Izzie shrugged innocently. Mark worked on Archie's arm. "Is there any news about my neighbours?" he asked. "I've got no updates, sir, I'm so sorry", Lucy said. Callie and Lucy took a look at Archie's films. "What'd you see?" Callie asked her. "3 part proximal humerus fracture so he's gonna need a percutaneous reduction and internal fixation", Lucy said. Callie smiled at her. "You know, Brian, he's a beautiful boy. Dr Sloan, do you have any kids?" Archie asked. Lucy snorted. "Not that I know of", Mark replied. "I haven't found anybody who'll put up with me".

"Don't be a bachelor your whole life, like I did. Suddenly, I had realized my whole life has passed me by and some parts aren't working like they used to"

He turned to Callie. "Waiting for the right person", Callie said. "I have a boyfriend", Lucy said. They looked at Izzie. "I have this person", Izzie started. "You know who is settled down and married, Iz? George and Holly. They're so happy. Only a really evil person would get in the way of that", Lucy said, glaring at Izzie.

Aurora came to deliver Brian's results to Alex and Holly. "It's crazy", she said. "Stay in the room and make sure Dave doesn't leave with his son", Holly advised.

Holly entered Richard and Derek's OR. "The baby is strung out on meth", she said. "The explosion was a meth lab. A meth lab blew up".

Alex and Holly were working on a crying Brian. "His IV came out and he needs to be hydrated", Holly said. Dave began to freak out. "I'd like an update on my wife", Dave said. "Recovery will be long and difficult if she makes it off the table", Holly said. "Stop crying!" Dave yelled at his son. "Sir, yelling at him is not-", Holly started. "He can't stop crying, because his nervous system is shot and his organs are compromised because he's in withdrawal from crystal meth!" Alex yelled.


"That's impossible, he wasn't in the room", Dave said. "It was all over the apartment, I could smell it on his skin", Alex said.

"I love my son. We were broke but I don't use drugs. I love my family"

"You can do that from jail"

Dave suddenly knocked Alex out. "Sir! You have to calm down", Holly said. He shoved her to the floor before grabbing Brian and leaving the room.

In the clinic, Lucy stitched up Alex's head lac and Meredith was checking on Holly's wrist. Cristina was pacing around them. "Would you stop that", Lucy said, looking up from Alex's head lac. Alex and Holly looked confused. "She's avoiding mama Burke", Meredith explained. Lexie was hovering. Lucy noticed Meredith's discomfort. "Go fold sheets or something", she said. "She seems sweet", Holly said. Meredith rolled her eyes. Alex's pager went off. "The police want to talk to me", he said. "Yeah, I'm all done here", Lucy said. "Thanks", he said before pecking her lips and leaving. Holly's pager went off. "That's me too", she said before leaving.

Beck and Kelly stood in the clinic doing nothing. "Aren't we supposed to be learning something?" Beck asked. "I don't want to stand here and do nothing. I'm supposed to be becoming a cardio god. This isn't fair". Aurora approached them. "I did scans on a baby who's having withdrawals from crystal meth", she said. They both looked at her. "See, she's learning something", Beck said.

Beck approached Kelly and Aurora who were heading home. "You guys wanna grab a drink?" Beck asked. They smiled. "That would be nice", Kelly said.

George found Holly. "Hey, you ready to go home?" Holly asked. George looked upset. "What's wrong?" she asked. "No, nothing. I'm just excited to be a father", George said, forcing a smile. She smiled back despite feeling uneasy. She wasn't going to ruin the night. She grabbed his hand and they went home. 

hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is love me anyway by p!nk

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