Chapter Eleven

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"In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth, at least that's what they say. He created the birds of the air and the beasts of the field, and he looked at his creation and he saw that it was good. And then God created man, and it's been downhill ever since. The story goes on to say that God created man in his own image, but there's not much proof of that. After all God made the sun and the moon and the stars, and all man makes is trouble. And when man finds himself in trouble, which is most of the time, he turns to something bigger than himself. To love or faith or religion to make sense of it all. But for a surgeon, the only thing that makes any kind of sense is medicine. As doctors, we know more about the human body now than at any point in our history. But the miracle of life itself; why people live and die, why they hurt or get hurt is still a mystery. We want to know the reason, the secret, the answer at the back of the book...because the thought of our being all alone down here is just too much for us to bear. But at the end of the day, the fact that we show up for each other, in spite our differences, no matter what we believe, is reason enough to keep believing" 

"and what it all comes down to is that i haven't got it all figured out just yet"

Alex entered Lucy's room. "Are you gonna get up?" he asked. "I don't know yet. What is that smell?" she replied.

"Someone's cooking"

"That's not cooking. I hate work"

"Since when?"

"I don't know"

George's mother saw Holly in the lobby. They hugged. "I've been worried because neither of you have been returning my calls", Louise said. "I've been making outfits for the baby ever since George told me you were trying". "I'm actually pregnant", Holly said. Louise's eyes widened and smiled widely and hugged Holly again. She showed her a yellow knitted outfit. Holly smiled as her eyes welled up.

Holly approached George. "Your mother is making us baby clothes and I just told her I'm pregnant but she does still think you're the type of person who doesn't lie to his wife, so you might wanna sort that out", Holly said, handing him all the baby clothes. "She's waiting in the lobby".

Mark approached Kelly at the nurses station where she was charting. "Some cardio patient was on the plastics ward. She was trying to heal a woman's staph infection", Mark said, trying to make conversation. "I don't think you should worry your pretty little head about it", Kelly replied, not looking up from her charts.

"You know, you compliment my looks even when you're insulting me"

"It wasn't meant to be a compliment"

"I think you want me as your mentor because you're attracted to me"

"I don't like you because I think you're a crass, predatory ape of a man who happens to be a decent surgeon"


Bailey's former interns had gathered outside the trauma room. Richard came out and gave them tasks to do. "Kepner, stay with Bailey, she's pretty worked up", Richard advised. "I just want to make sure that Bailey's emotions do not obstruct the baby's care". Tuck was being wheeled to CT when Bailey came over. "I don't need a babysitter", Bailey said. "Go with her anyway", Richard said to Holly.

Holly was talking to Bailey outside the OR. "They repaired the hole in the diaphragm and Hahn is getting to the mediastinum", Holly explained. When couldn't answer one of Bailey's many questions, Bailey entered the OR with Holly trailing after her. "I need to be with my son", she said. "I have no intention of getting in the way". "I don't need the patient's mother watching me perform surgery. Dr Kepner, please escort Bailey outside", Hahn said.

"No, I wanna be with my son"

"Well, I refuse to proceed with the operation until you leave, Dr Bailey"

"I-I just want to hold his hand"

"I'll hold Tuck's hand", Cristina said, allowing Beck to hold the retractor. Cristina took off her glove and Bailey left. They resumed the operation.

Holly found Louise in the waiting room. "I heard about Tuck's injuries and I didn't want to leave yet, Bailey took good care of us when Harold was in the hospital", Louise said. "Now both our sons are in trouble".

"So, you know everything?"

"I know I'm old-fashioned but in God's eyes marriage is forever"

"I believe that, too. I believe in love and second chances. And I love being a part of your family. It's just gonna take some hard work to mend it"

"I'm very excited to be a grandmother"

"You should be, you're gonna be great"

"And you're gonna be an excellent mother. This baby is going to be so loved"

"I know"

Meredith, George and Holly watched Derek comfort Bailey from afar. "Derek wants to build us a house with rooms for kids", Meredith said. "That scares me to death". "Is this because of his kiss with Rose?" George asked. "I overheard it and it was just one kiss, so you shouldn't worry about it because you're back together now".

"I didn't know he kissed Rose"

She walked off. "I'm an idiot", George said. "Yup", Holly agreed.

Everyone watched as Elizabeth, the healing patient, stood with Bailey and Tucker as they held hands next to their son in the PICU. Holly and George stood next to each other, their knuckles touching, just as they were about to hold hands, Holly gasped. George looked at her. "What's wrong?" he asked. Her eyes started to tear up and she smiled. "The baby just kicked. Our baby is kicking", she said. He smiled and touched her stomach, feeling the magic at his fingertips. She put her hands on his and laughed.

Kelly was about to leave the hospital when she noticed Mark staring at her as he waited for an elevator. "You know what the problem is? You're too pretty. You're too pretty and it's honestly kinda scary because it just makes me think about how much of a flawed human you are", she said. "So, you wanna meet for a drink at Joe's, then?" he asked, smirking at her.

"Good night, Mark Sloan"

She walked away and he watched her every move.

Bailey was caressing her son when Holly entered the room. "Tuck is just fine", Bailey said. "Tucker went home to get some sleep and to pack his things, he's getting a hotel room tonight".

"I'm sorry"

"For some reason, life seems to make a lot more sense when you're looking at a baby"

Holly murmured in agreement while looking at her stomach which held her baby, something so simple that had brought her and George together that day. She then joined Bailey in watching Tuck. 

hope you enjoyed! comment your opinions! song is hand in my pocket by alanis morissette

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