Chapter 6

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            Chapter 6

            I woke up the next morning to an annoying sound right beside me. I couldn’t make it out at first, but then I remembered I have set an alarm as my classes start today. I grumbled in annoyance, this is going to be a really long day. Snapping the alarm off, I sleepily slipped on my slippers, the temperature in my room is still drastically cold. Andrew had ‘forgotten’ to fix the heater, causing me to freeze my bum out the entire night.

            He’s lucky that I brought my sweaters along otherwise he would be long gone!

            I showered with my eyes close and throw a random dress and a pair of black stockings on. I don’t really care if I look like a complete utter shit today; all I could think about right now is going back to bed.

            I skip to the dining room with a yawn and there stood a shirtless Lucca cooking something. My stomach grumbles at its own accord; sunny side up and bacon, my favourite! I plopped myself down on the stool and rest my head on the table.

            “Morning sleepy head,” Lucca chirps cheerfully.

            “What are you doing at this hour?” I grumbled in annoyance, does this guy ever not happy?

            “I’m preparing breakfast, today is your big day!”

            I sit up straight, rolling my eyes, “It’s college Lucca.”

            “So? Can’t a guy be proud for his roommate’s first day of college?” he turns around for a moment and gives me a heart-warming smile before turning back to the bacon.

            “This is hardly a first day Lucca, I’m graduating next year.”

            Lucca shrugged his shoulder, “It’s your first day in this college.”

            Before I could reply, we are both interrupted by the hangover looking Nicholas and Andrew. Andrew has dark circles under his eyes whilst Nicholas keeps clutching the side of his head. I would have felt sorry for them if it isn’t for their moody and grumpy attitude. Hah, serve them right!

            “Good morning Andrew, Nicholas!” I chirp in loudly with a toothy grin.

            “Shut up,” Nicholas grumbled.

            “Ooh, someone’s hangover,” I babbled out, “I understand how you guys feel. Must feel like shit huh? What happened anyway? Too many drinks to count? Funny experience, I was invited to this party in high school and then I had too much drink. The funniest thing is, the teacher was there and because my vision is fuzzy and my stomach is feeling nauseous, I-“

            “Good God! Can you please just shut up!” Andrew yelled moodily, clutching his temple after.

            “Okay, if you’re Mr. PMS-ing, here, take some chocolate.” I passed him the chocolate I had in my hand. He stared at my hand before looking away.

            “Just shut up Rachel. We’re hangover as it is; we don’t need your stupid babbling.” Andrew snaps.

            I hid my grin; it looks like I have managed to crack him somehow. And instead of showing my triumph smirk, I decided to mess with him a little further.

            I fake a sob, causing Andrew to softened a bit, “Look, I didn’t mean to-“ he started.

            “Yes you do!” I cried out. “All I was trying to do was to help you, I mean, I do understand what hangover feels like and I know it hurts and it sucks, but you don’t have to be so mean! I was just trying to help!”

            Andrew crouched down, “I know you mean well and I’m-“

            “Don’t you dare apologize you scumbag!” I hissed, “From day one, you never like me so don’t put on that act now. In fact, I’m going out right now, and who knows, maybe I found a better roommate out there.”

            I stood up, slipping my boots and coat before grabbing my backpack with me. truth be told, I’m probably never going to find a better new roommate though both Nicholas and Andrew have never welcome my presence. But Lucca is my ray of sunshine and he cooks the best meals ever, moreover, the rent is affordable.

            I slammed the door for more dramatic effect, before the door is shut though, I wink at Lucca to which he chuckled whilst shaking his head.

AN. YASS EVERYONE I AM BACK. After 3 months on hiatus, I finally decided to came back. And I'm actually surprise to see the number of reads, I was like 'wow, oh shit I have to continue writing this,"

So yes, the main reason why I came back is because of your reads, votes,comments and fan. Thank you so much. This chapter is dedicated to every single one of you.

Okay, my mini author's note ends here. Don't forget to tap that star button.

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