Chapter 4

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I'll be out of country for christmas holiday starting from 25th December all the way to 5th January. So, I'll try my best to finish a chapter or two before I leave.

Dedicated to @turquoiserainbows for the amazing covers (the one I'm using right now and I can't upload the other for some reason, but they are amazing). Oh, and video on the side to get you into Christmas spirit!

Anyway, here's chapter 4, vote, comment, fan!

Chapter 4

            After Nicholas’ theory about my cold morning – that has yet proven to be true – and our little argument which cause Lucca to break us apart, I retreat to the living room watching Got to Dance all day.

            Both Nicholas and Lucca have gone out to work after breakfast, leaving me alone in this huge penthouse. I refused to clean up all their messes after how Nicholas and Andrew have been treating me. The only person that welcomes me warmly and dearly is Lucca. He seems to be the only one with the least problem having a girl roommate while the other two are still living in the Victorian era where sexism is still reaching its highest point. I huffed, so much for expecting gentlemen in this house. I stretched and let out a yawn. College doesn’t start until mid-January, until then, I only have a shift in a restaurant down the street, but that’s only thrice a week. The rest of the week consist me of lounging around the penthouse whilst the other three are going out to handle their multi-millionaire company.

            Nicholas and Lucca are the heirs to their families businesses. They own more than half of the UK industries altogether; resorts, houses, shops, you name it. That’s how they become best friends to begin with; business partnerships and alliances. They have decided six years ago that they will stop competing with each other and instead become partners.

            Andrew’s job however, remains a mystery. The other two lads are uncomfortable to share Andrew’s carriers.

            “It’s not our place to tell, you can ask him yourself if you want.” Lucca had explained while Nicholas grumbled something under himself glaring at me; like his old grumpy self.

            Having a lazy day like this, sprawling on the sofas, munching off some junk foods and watching TV all day long used to be a dream for me. My schedule back in Paris was pack and tight.     

            I had to balance out my carrier as a model and college. Junk foods are big no no for model industry and if my mother caught me sneaking around with friends or just simply sprawling on the couch, she would chew my ear off. Because she is my employer; that’s right I’m modeling for my mother fashion line.

            The phone rings, interrupting me from my thoughts. I bounced off the sofa and sprinted to the phone which is in the kitchen. I pick up at the second ring.


            “Oh, it’s you.” the familiar voice on the other line sighed in annoyance, “I don’t have time for you.”

            “Ha-ha, hello to you too Andrew,” I muttered sarcastically.

            He sighed again; I could picture him rubbing his hand over his face in frustration. I grinned; my number one – and only goal actually – is to annoy Fat Oaf as much as I can. The second is to make Nicholas smile – not smirking like an idiot he is, but full out smile.

            “I don’t have time for this. Where are Lucca and Nicholas?”

            “And you think I have time for you? Well, actually I do have plenty of time which is why I’m answering this. You see, my day has been full of watching comedy re-runs. They are really funny, hey! Maybe we should watch it together sometimes then maybe I can make you smile. I mean, I bet you look even sexy with a smile on your face and –“

            “RACHEL,” he roared out, interrupting my rambles. I huffed, someone need to teach this man some manner lesson. Well, he acts like more like a five-year old boy than a man with all his manner and stuff. But he sure has a body like a man and I’m pretty sure his region is too. I giggled at the thought.

            “I really do not have time for your stupid rambles and giggles, RACHEL. Just tell me where the fuck those two morons are.” He continues roaring like a beast he is; one hot beast.

            “Do not call your friends morons!” I scolded, “Why should I tell you anyway? You switch off my heater this morning, remember?”

            “I demand you to tell me,” he demanded completely ignoring my question.

            “I won’t tell you where they are until you admitted that it was you who turn the heater off.” I crossed my arms and pout like a child though he can’t see me.

            “FINE. I did break your heater okay? Now tell me!”

            I gasped, “You break my heater? On this cold winter day? How dare you!”

            He sighed “I’ll fix it okay, just tell me where they are,”

            “You promise?”

            “Yes, I promise,” he gritted his teeth, “Where?”

            I shrugged, “No idea, they left after breakfast. Speaking of breakfast, why weren’t you here? You know how important having breakfast is, it is scientifically proven that –“

            I stop my rambling when the line disconnected. I grinned; the Fat Oaf is frustrated. It wasn’t entirely my fault anyway. I mean, what kind of friend he is; not knowing where his best friends are.

                I retreated back to Lucca’s room, those comedy shows are getting boring and besides, I didn’t have enough sleep last night and was awoken rudely when someone broke my heater. And since now the heater has yet to be fixed I have to use someone’s bed to take a nap.

            Since Lucca is the nicest of all, I’m pretty sure he won’t mind.

            I push open his bedroom door, revealing his clean room. It’s almost to clean for a guy. His books are stacks properly, papers are piled up properly on his bed and his bed is well made. I climb onto the bed, pulling the duvet up and drifted off to my much needed sleep.

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