Chapter 3

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I started writing this chapter last week but only managed to finish it 2 days ago. Writing this book is a challenge for me; the bubbly character is actually. I'm not the type of person who is so hype about everything, so this is hard.

Anyway, please tap that little star button and comment! any suggestions are welcome with open arms!


Chapter 3

            I narrowed my eyes at him, while he glared at me. Fat oaf doesn’t seem happy that my voice rose whilst talking to him. But really, who does he think he is? He has been really disrespectful towards me the entire time; he walked away after pouring his hot coffee on my new winter coat at the train station without even apologizing.

            How rude is that!

            I held my stare; oh no, I’m not backing down on this one. I noticed then, that his eyes are actually grey in colour. Interesting, I have never seen anyone with that kind of eyes colour before. But they look amazing; it gives off mysterious and powerful vibe, just like his whole stiff body posture. Someone – probably Lucca – tries to break our staring contest; but we ignore it, continue holding our stare.

            “I’m out; the sexual tension here is crazy. So, just please be quiet yeah.” I heard Lucca said vaguely. Fat oaf gave up eventually and glared at Lucca. I jumped up and did a little happy dance.

            “I win, oh yeah, fat oaf, you are down.” I sing on top of my lungs.

            Fat oaf snapped his eyes back at me, though his eyes have somewhat soften and there are hint of amusement on them, his lips though are still set in thin line and his posture still looks stiff. He looks anything but happy. He reminded me of Nicholas, if it isn’t because of their appearance, I would have assumed they are brothers or somehow related. Well, maybe that’s why they are so close; after all, they do have the same body feature and personalities. Well, Lucca does have the same body build but he is more carefree than the other two. Maybe the previous roommate is similar to Lucca; maybe that is why they are so close together.

            “Stop with your singing and dancing.” Fat oaf demanded, clenching his jaw.

            “Dude, what get your panties twisted?” I muttered under my breath. Fat oaf doesn’t look happy, instead if possible, he looks angrier than he previously was.

            He grumbled something under his breath and stomped into his room. I snorted, what a child. Lucca stood there, shaking his head and sigh softly. He snapped his head at me and gave me an apologizing smile.

            “I am sorry for the way he acted, he isn’t usually like this. He hasn’t been himself for some time.” Lucca apologized.

            “It’s alright,” I paused furrowing my eyebrow, “So, he isn’t always like Nicholas?”

            Lucca chuckled softly, “If you mean getting all grumpy, then no, he wasn’t.”

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