Chapter 7

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Two updates in one day wey hey

Chapter 7

            I walk out of my very last class with a smile. It’s good that my classes are finally over as it means I can start working and earn my money. There’s no longer a need to rely on my roommates. I didn’t make any friends as most of them think that I’m ‘too tall’ to fit in. I rolled my eyes and huffed when I heard the comment.

            Londoners are rude!

            I walk out of the huge gate and am instantly greeted by the warmth of sunlight and the chilly wind of winter. Finally! The temperature has risen a little after all these days. I almost throw my books up in the air and burst out singing one of those High School Musical songs. Well, almost. I can imagine myself becoming Sharpay Evans (not Gabriella because I find her super dramatic and annoying). I would go back to my parents’ house for summer and my twin brother would run my errand around like a complete nut job! I sigh in contentment, if only life is that easy.

            “You seem happy there.” I heard a familiar voice commented grumpily, snapping me out of my daydream.

            I flutter my eyes open and am instantly greeted by the sight of Nicholas, who is wearing a pair of shades and looking gorgeous as ever, crossing his arms over his face with a frown. I huffed in annoyance, Nicholas Walker, professional mood killer. More like Nicholas wanker, I burst into a fit of giggles.

            “I don’t see anything funny, so quit laughing.” He grumbled moodily. I can feel all the stares around us; the girls are staring at him in wonder whilst the guys are eyeing him in jealousy. If only they know what kind of person he is. Time for some embarrassment!

            “Oh my twin, thank God you’re here.” I screeched out in excitement, looping my arms around his torso and pull him in for a tight hug. “My goodness, our parents would be so happy to see you. Where have you been? They miss you so much; you didn’t come home this summer. Grandma and grandpa miss you too, so does Uncle Harry, Auntie Sally, oh our cousin Harrison and-“

            I didn’t get to finish my sentence; I’m suddenly pulled by the mighty Nicholas towards his Lamborghini. I whistle at the sight, “Damn, twin brother. Do tell how do you afford this car? Did you sell yourself whilst you’re gone?”

            “Get in the car now!” he ordered sternly. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and murmur a ‘stupid mood killer’ under my breath.

            Nicholas started the car as soon as he’s seated and speed into the highway. God, it’s been a long time since I seat in a car moving as fast as this. My mother always tells me that ‘it’s dangerous’ or ‘proper lady do not break the traffic rules’ blah blah blah. Whatever, I’ve finally left her – or them rather – for good. I should stop going back to my past and anticipate the future.

            “What was that about?” Nicholas finally question after we’re half way through the highway, the entire ride had been nothing but silent.

            I shrugged my shoulder, “It was a joke twin brother.”

            “We are not twins!” he exclaims in anger, swerving the car to the right.

            “Okay, geez.” I muttered softly, “Calm down will you, we don’t want to attract the police now, do we?  Funny story, there was this one time I went out with my manager to pick up a dress at this fashion house and he was driving us faster than you are right now because we are late and then the cops chase us an-“

            “Now is not the time for bed time story Rachel,” he grumbled moodily, “My God you’re annoying.”

            “At least I’m not a mood killer.” I stuck my tongue out childishly and cross my arms.

            The entire ride is silent with soft music playing on the background. We bickered a bit about which radio station to listen to but then he gave up, with the condition of me being quiet for the entire journey. So now here I am, gazing out of the car window, trying my best not to blurt out any of my childhood story. Our peaceful silent is then interrupted by the sound of Nicholas’ phone ringing.

            “Hello?” he answered, driving on constant speed, undistracted by the phone call. “She’s right beside me Lucca; I didn’t do anything to her alright?”

            He sighs, before tossing the phone at me, “It’s Lucca, he wants to talk to you. buy a phone next time.”

            I ignore his comment and answer the phone, “Hi Lucca.” I chirp cheerfully. Lucca is my favourite person in the penthouse. I certainly like the other two, but Nicholas’ grumpy mood annoy me sometimes, as for Andrew, well… there’s something about him that causes my stomach to do a summersault whenever he’s around. And I find that odd.

            “Hi babe,” Lucca answered just as cheerful. See why I like this guy.

            “Miss me?” I asked flirtatiously.

            “More than you could think,” he whined, causing me to giggle. I could feel Nicholas’ burning glare at the side of my head but I ignore him. “But seriously though, I’m wondering if you’re free tonight?”

            “My work ends at six thirty, I have a few assignments to finish but they’re due next two weeks. I guess I’m free then.” I said with a grin.

            “Great, cause I’m taking you out on a date tonight.”

            “A date?” I echoed, “I don’t think that’s a very good idea.”

            “As a friend of course,” he replied casually, “You want to get back on Andrew for what he did to you, right?”

            I ponder for a moment. I have been sleeping in a cold room for days and Andrew doesn’t even bother to fix the heater, that douche. I still don’t see how going on a date with Lucca is going to get back on Andrew, but I trust Lucca if he says it is, then it is. “Okay, I’ll go.”

            “Great! I’ll pick you up at our penthouse at eight. Wear something sexy and formal. See you later, bye sunshine.” He said with enthusiasm, before hanging up. I toss Nicholas’ phone back at him and he caught it with one hand while the other is on the steering wheel.

            “Going on a date with Lucca, I see. I’ve always knows you have a thing for our Italian roommate.” Nicholas commented with a smirk, “Too bad, he is taken already.”

            I rolled my eyes at him, “Whatever, I don’t care.”

            “Be careful, you might not want to encounter the girlfriend. Don’t want to start any drama, do you?” he continues with a snickered.

            I ignore him. He doesn’t know that Lucca and I are only going out as friends and we have no romantic feelings towards each other. I’m aware Lucca has a girlfriend and I have no intention to steal Lucca away from her. Feeling exhausted, I closed my eyes and soon, drifted off to sleep.

AN. This is my way of making up to you for the previous badly written chapter. Thank you for everyone who voted, commented, read and add this book to your reading list. It means a lot for me.

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