Chapter 8

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Read Author's note at the end :)

Chapter 8

            “Rachel!” I heard a voice called in distant. I slowly flutter my eyes open, it’s blurry at first and I wince at the bright light but soon everything became clearer as my eyes adjusted. I spotted a crowded familiar café instantly and squealed in excitement much to Nicholas’ annoyance. He rolled his eyes and unlocks the car door. I know how happy he is to finally get rid of me, but I’m not done with annoying him yet.

            I put on my coat before throwing my arms around him, crushing him in a teddy bear hug. He tried to push me away but I tighten my grip every time he tries to do so.

            “Thank you so much for the ride twinsie, I could have died of hyperthermia if I walk all the way here.” I grinned cheekily.

            He groaned, “Get your hands off me.” I finally decided to get him out of misery and release my arms, “This is the first and last time I’ll ever pick you up,” he muttered under his breath.

            I open the car door and get off. Just before I close the door, I turn around and said, “Hey, don’t act like you don’t want me. I saw you eyeing my bum earlier this morning, I’m pretty sure you are thinking about my awesome bum all day long.” I said and a wide grin appears on my face when Nicholas’ face turns scarlet.

            Ha! Busted!

            I slam the door shut and take a deep breath. ‘I can do this’ I chanted to myself over and over again before walking into the diner.

            The bell jingles slightly when I push open the door and am instantly greeted by sea of human. There are waiters and waitresses running around taking everyone’s orders, the customers are chatting among themselves while others are seated alone with headphones on, slipping into their own world.

            “Hello and welcome, table for one?” a bubbly waitress asked with a too cheerful smile on her face.

            “Hi, I’m actually here for my shift.” I answered softly, trying to be polite.

            “Oh?” she furrows her eyebrows, “I have not been told that we are having a new waitress for this shift, you must have been mistaken.”

            I shook my head, “No, I send out my CV here and had my interview here, how can I be wrong?”

            She shrugs, “No one told me so—“

            “Actually,” a voice interrupted and we both turn towards the source of voice to find a waiter standing a few feet away from us with a small frown on his face, “We do have a new waitress today, Brittany.”

            “Oh, my apology,” the waitress whom I now know as Brittany send me a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. I fight the urge to roll my eyes; it seems that Brittany and I are not going to be besties.

            “Please follow me, Ms. Boulevard.” The waiter said. I push pass Brittany and force myself to walk in a fast pace to catch up but not before sticking my tongue out at Brittany. She seems shock at my childish behavior and I turn around with a triumph smirk on my face.

            The waiter led me to what seem to be a small locker room. He push the door open and let me in. the room is dim lighted; it seems poorly taken care of. No, it doesn’t have rats or cockroaches, but the lockers look like they need a new one and five of them are broken—or so it seems.

            “This is the ladies’ locker room.” He begins to explain, “Yours is at number twenty-seven and here is your key. This is the only key you will get for as long as you are here so, don’t lose it. My name is William, but you can call me Will.”

            I nodded to let him know that I am listening, “I think this place need some cleaning.”

            Will blinks a few times, “Pardon?”

            “I think these lockers need to be fixed. And look at the floor, oh my goodness. There are stains everywhere! Don’t people have like cleaners to clean this place or something? Because it looks like every germs are stick into this place.” I rambled on, “Funny story, when I was in high school, there was this kid who was hated by my best friend. And since she was this genius on biology and has parents who are biologist, she took this mosses and put them in her locker and then—“

            “Ms. Boulevard!” Will interrupted my rambling, “Can you please just stop talking nonsense?”

            “Oh, right, I’m sorry; I have this habit of rambling.” I laughed softly.

            “Yeah, I can see that,” he mutters under his breath, “Your uniforms are inside the locker, get change and start working.” He retreats into the café and I start changing in less than five minutes, I’m all dress up in my waitress uniform. It’s a bit too short considering my height.

            ‘I can do this’ I chant to myself again before walking into the café and start working.


            My shift ended at exactly six thirty and I am the first one to walk out of my café. After serving my very last customer for the day, I rush out of the café and into the locker. I change out of my uniform in less than five minutes.

            To say that my first shift is horrible would have been an understatement. All the other waitresses give me stink eyes throughout the entire shift. It’s like back in college earlier today, they all think I’m too tall to fit in. while the waitresses are being mean, the waiters are being too friendly. Thousands of phone numbers have been shoved into my hand and I had to punch one of the perverted waiters for groping on my butt.

            After that though, no one dares to come close to me anymore. They stand at least two meters away from me.

            Finally! People these days need to learn a thing or two about personal space.

            I rush towards the penthouse which is only a few blocks away. The weather is cold and I can feel my nose getting numb. I’m sure I’m going to catch a cold tomorrow, but right now, I don’t give a damn.

            I am going on a so called ‘date’ with Lucca and I need to look pretty.

AN. Hello everyone! I'm back again. Okay, so this chapter is not as good as I wanted it to be, but I wrote this at 1 am last night, so please bear with it. This is also going to be my last update until the next two weeks. My preliminary exams are starting and I need to ace them, otherwise I won't be graduating this year. So please understand.

I'm also in need of covers and banners, so if you know how to make one, message me. Requests are always open. I would also like to thank every single one of you for reading, voting, fanning... I wouldn't have continued this story without you.

Question: If I make an instagram account for this wattpad account will you follow me? I will post sneak peek and update schedule there. Also, if you made covers or banners I can upload them on the instagram page. Tell me what you think.

Lastly, I have another book written entitled 'The Second Marriage Contract' it is slightly different but (hopefully) you might enjoy it too.

Ok, that ends my author's note and don't forget to tap that little star button :)

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