|| Always got your back ||

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The morning had begun on a great note for Om. He had been invited to inaugurate a rehabilitation center for drug addicts. Being someone who had overcome his addiction, he was feeling very proud that he could contribute something to those who were attempting to come out of it. He had announced about this to everyone at the breakfast table and was congratulated by all. Little 3 year old Anayka also kissed his cheek and wished him luck. After breakfast, Om went to Annika and asked her about Shivaay.

"Actually Om, he went to office early in the morning. He had some very important work. He will probably return late in the night. You can call him if you want. He is sure to be busy though. Was looking in a hurry while he was leaving. But I think you must tell him this great news. He deserves to know more than all of us."

"Sure Bhabhi, I also have that in mind. Thank you. Will see you later. "

Om was a bit dejected that Shivaay wasn't here but he was going to tell him the news. After all, like Annika had said he deserved to know the most. He brought out his phone and gave him a call. Shivaay picked up in the last ring.

"Hello Om, calling me at this time. Has something happened? Do you have any problem? "

"Chill Shivaay, it's nothing as such. I have to tell you something important. "

"Om, listen na. Clients from Australia have arrived. I have been working since morning for this meeting. We will surely talk at length at night. I promise you. Please don't feel bad. I just don't want to listen to your news in a haste. "

"I think you are right Shivaay. All the best."

"Thank you. Bye"


Om went into his room to see Gauri very happy and excited. He went to her and hugged her very tightly. Sensing something wrong, Gauri hugged him back and rubbed her hands on his back in order to calm him down. Letting go of the hug, he made her sit beside him.

"Gauri, tomorrow is such a big day for me. I am happy for sure, but I am also very nervous."

Cutting him in between, Gauri assured him that everything is going to be fine. He wasn't much convinced but let it go not wanting to reduce her excitement. He also nodded in her direction. And started helping her, though half heartedly.


Om was tossing and turning in his bed. Sleep was miles away from him. Finally giving up, he reached out to the bedside table to grab the water jar. But it was empty. He let out a sigh and went towards the kitchen to fill it up. He got up slowly so as not to disturb Gauri's sleep. On his way towards the kitchen, he passed by Shivaay's room. He heard Annika coaxing Anayka to sleep. That implied that Shivaay hasn't come yet. She never slept anywhere other than Shivaay's arms. He was about to go after some minutes when he saw Annika come out with a sleeping Anayka in her arms.

"So gayi? "

"Ha Om, it was very difficult. Such a brat she is. Refused to sleep without Shivaay. Finally I had to show her his video and threatened her that Shivaay will be angry if she doesn't sleep. She just three, but tantrums are so many. Anyways leave it, I just came out to drink water."

"Yeah come, even I had come to fill my water jug."

In the kitchen, Annika drank water and then she noticed that Om was a bit tensed. She understood that he must be scared about tomorrow. She assured him that everything will be fine. He gave her a smile and she left for her room. Om was hungry now and he left the water jug and made himself some hot chocolate. Sleep was anyways far fetched for him and overthinking was his companion for the night. So he took his cup and proceeeded towards the pool side. He dipped his legs in the water and quitely sipped on the hot chocolate. He felt better. Just then, he heard the front door creak open. He saw Shivaay come in tiredly with his coat in hand, disheveled hair, waistcoat open and tie loosened. His demeanour personified tiredness. He just hoped that Shivaay wouldn't notice him sitting there, though he badly needed someone to talk to and who better than Shivaay. But right now, Shivaay needed sleep and he didn't want to disturb him. But it was Shivaay. He had already seen Om and he was already in his thoughts when he felt a strong hand on his shoulder. And before he knew it, Shivaay was sitting beside him dipping his legs in the water.

"Om, I am so sorry I am late. I know you wanted to tell me something very important. Actually, Annika also told me it is a very big thing and you were so excited. I am really sorry for ruining it. But I am glad we are here. Tell me what is the big news? I am waiting to hear. Come on. "

"Shivaay it is okay. I have no problem that you are late. I knew you would be. I am happy that you came. I really wanted to talk to someone badly and thank god, it's you. So the thing is that I have been invited along with the whole family tomorrow to ingaurate a rehab center for drug addicts and they also want me to give a speech about the same to motivate those who are struggling with drugs. I am just very nervous Shivaay. Those days were really tough and I don't know how I am going to speak in front of so many people. I am glad I got out of my problems only because of your efforts. I am just getting cold feet thinking about tomorrow. I have never done something like this. I don't know who am I to be receiving such a honour? "

"My god, Om. So many questions. Calm down and drill this into your brain that you are the perfect person for tomorrow's function. You were deep in the world of drugs and for someone to come out of it and resurrect his life to become one of the most well known artist is not something everyone can do. You have done it  and that is why you deserve it. "

"Shivaay, everyone thinks that I emerged victorious. But the world doesn't know that my victory isn't just mine. You are the one who made me win over drugs. Everytime I think about those times, I can only see your injured hand, your bleeding forehead, your tired posture after sitting beside me throughout the day even when you were handling the Oberoi Empire then. Your sleep deprived face doesn't leave me everytime my mind wanders those lanes. And that is why, I am nervous. "

" Om, remove these wrong thoughts from your head okay. You were never wrong. You overcame your drug addiction with resilience and patience. Not everyone can do that. You were going through pain no one can even think about. You are very emotional Om, and that is why you couldn't grasp the environment around you and you thought that drugs could be your escape route. You were just vulnerable. And you know what, you identified it and overcame your fears, your insecurities and your addiction with flying colors. It's not an easy thing. And that is why you deserve every glory you are getting now."

Om looked at his brother thoughtfully. He wasn't just mincing words and that reflected in his eyes. If there was anyone who had seen Om up and close during those trying times, it was Shivaay. It was Shivaay's reassuring hands that comforted Om when he suffered panic attacks, Shivaay's words that gave him strength to fight another day and Shivaay's support, perseverance and trust that he was able to come out of the darkness he had created around himself.

"Shivaay, you couldn't have put those words more perfectly. I know that you mean each and every word you said. I now realize that every successful person has someone who has been there as their wall to protect them.  Thank you for being my wall. But I just don't understand that how come you convinced me so easily. I tried talking to Gauri and Bhabhi. They did try to make me see the other side of the coin but only you managed to convince me. How? "

"Mr.Omkara Singh Oberoi, I know you more than yourself. Om, I have also lived those years with you. I know how bad you were and just how perfect and good you are now. Just keep one thing in mind, you have come a long way and tomorrow you have a golden opportunity to guide many others towards the wonderful life that you have got. So no tension, okay? Everything will be fine."

Saying so, Shivaay got up and Om followed suit. He was now very clear and excited about tomorrow. He now knew why he had been so  tensed throughout the day. If only he was able to talk to Shivaay earlier. He suddenly felt Shivaay hug him tightly and whisper in his ear, "Go to sleep now. It's quite late. You have a very important day tomorrow. "

Breaking the hug , Om looked into the ocean blue eyes of his brother and asked, "You will come,  right? I can't and I won't do this without you. "

Shivaay gave him a smile that reached his eyes, stroked his cheeks and said, "Of course Om. I will be there. There is no need to ask."

Om also gave him a full blown smile and Shivaay started going towards his room when her turned around to face Om.

"Om never worry, I will be there. At every point. Everyone may leave you but not me. Coz I have..... Always got your back. "


So here is the next part. Please give it a read and tell me how it is.
Until next time.
Keep reading.

Ishqbaaz :: Os seriesWhere stories live. Discover now