|| Beard ||

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Shivaay came back home very tired after a hectic day at work. He came back to his room which surprisingly was empty which is so unlike every day. Neither his wife Annika was there nor his six year old daughter Anayka was anywhere to be seen. If it would have been a normal day, both of them would have been in the room with Annika making their daughter study or playing games. But today, they were absent. Shivaay slumped on the couch and closed his eyes tiredly. Suddenly, he felt a pair of familiar hands massage his temples and a pair of small cute hands caressing his beard. He first took the hands from the temples and gave them a kiss and then took those little hands and in no time pulled up his daughter. Annika also came and sat on the couch beside him while Anayka was now engulfed in a hug by her father. She was still caressing his beard and playing with it while Shivaay and Annika looked on. She finally turned towards Annika and asked her in her cute voice, "Mumma, why did you stop giving a massage to Dadda. See how tired he looks. You are so bad. See, I am massaging his face. You also go and give him some massage. "
Saying so, she again resumed playing with his beard while Annika now looked a bit angry, though it was pretentious but Anayka didn't understand it.

"O Papa ki chamchi, I have been giving massages to your Dadda even before you came okay. And I know he is tired but more than the massage he needs to have a good shower, a fulfilling dinner and a long night's sleep. So let him go and have a bath so that we can go to dinner and then he can sleep peacefully. And little monster, you aren't giving any massage to him okay. You just love playing with his beard. You like how he pricks you with it. Hain na, naughty girl. "

Anayka gave her parents a shy smile as her act got caught. She looked up to see her father smiling at her. He took her hands off his beard and asked her, "You like my beard huh? That is why when I tickle you with it, you laugh out so loudly. But today I won't do it because I haven't trimmed it since the past two days and it has really grown a lot. I will trim it tomorrow."

Annika added on, "Waise Shivaay along with your beard, your hair also is in a dire need of a cut. Look how long they have grown. You seriously need to cut them. With this beard and long hair, many might mistake you as a don and not as famous businessman. "

"Excuse me, Mrs. Annika Shivaay Singh Oberoi, I am very handsome man okay. Secondly, I always look elegant and presentable in front of the world. Anyways, I was thinking that this beard has grown a lot and is also pricking me and getting itchy. Maybe I should just shave it off. What do you think? "

Anayka heard all of this and immediately started hitting him on his chest that meant her disapproval on his thoughts. Annika laughed loudly and said, "Shivaay, I don't think I need to answer anything. Your daughter herself has given you the answer. You cannot shave it off, so just be satisfied with trimming it. So before going to work tomorrow, please give that beard a trim and get a haircut very soon. Now come on, let's have dinner. Everyone must be waiting for us."

"Aye Aye Madame. " Shivaay got up from the couch and went to freshen up.

The next day morning was just as usual as any other day in Shivika's room. Anayka was showing tantrums on not going to school. Annika was pacifying her wheras Shivaay was getting ready in the bathroom. He had gotten into his three piece suit, gelled his hair and wore his watch. Now the only thing remaining was trimming of his beard. He picked up the trimmer and had trimmed one side. He was just going to trim the other side when the combined loud voices of his wife and daughter almost deafened him. And in all that haste, he lost control over the trimmer and it went haphazardly on his beard, not trimming it but shaving it off. Realizing what had happened, Shivaay's scream came out louder than the both of them. Annika and Anayka thought something bad happened and they both started banging on the bathroom door. Shivaay opened after a few minutes but his mouth was covered with a napkin. He voice still sounded stern and angry.

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