3.A thousand shards

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This chapter is dedicated to SweCanMia🥰🥰🥰🥰

Yadhu's POV

I was happy that I would finally confess my feelings to my lovely wife Anjali on our sixth month anniversary. I wanted to make her feel special by taking her out on a surprise date today. I bought an electric blue Kancheepuram saree for her after shopping for about 3 hours and some chocolates and flowers to surprise her.

I almost felt like a teenager on his first date, nervously looking at my watch from time to time as I drove back home. There was a chance that she won't be home at all as she was busy with her work, same as me, but no matter what, I was determined to tell her my feelings of love towards her today.

I walked into my family home, where we all still stayed together. I had bought a studio apartment before marriage in the city with whatever savings I had, but I had not moved in. I had mentioned it to Anjali, but she said she wanted to stay together as a family. So I didn't compel her and esteemed her wish.

I was excited as I neared our bedroom as I thought of her reaction, hearing my confession. But everything was shattered the moment I opened our bedroom door.

On my marital bed, they both were intertwined like snakes, completely naked, eating and sucking each other's mouth and making love. The gift box fell on the floor with a crash, alerting them both. Both looked bewildered to see me at the door. I saw a flash of remorse on my brother's face, but it was gone sooner than it came.

But my wife just covered herself with the comforter and looked unbothered by my presence. I went outside with a broken heart and waited for them in the living area to give me an explanation.

I was unable to process what was happening around me. My mind went blank after seeing them together. Tears clouded my eyes, and I fought with myself to not let them fall.

The one question that wandered in my mind was, "What sin did I do to deserve this? Suicidal thoughts started roaming inside my mind. Both of them had managed to batter my mind, and I knew it was bleeding severely from inside.

After what seemed like hours, they both came into the living room hand in hand. There was not even a single hint of remorse in their eyes. It was like nothing ever happened that shouldn't have happened.

Both sat together on the couch opposite me and looked unbothered by my state of mind.

"Why?.." my lips trembled, framing that question.

"Yadhu...Now that you have seen us together, I don't have to hide my relationship with Harsh, "Anjali spoke nonchalantly.

"Anju, How could you do this to me? "My voice broke.

"Be practical, Yadhu. You are not my ideal match. Harsh is, and Harsh was," she smirked while my brother gave me a wicked grin.

"What do you mean by that?", I asked hiding my agony.

"That means, my brother, we love each other, "my brother filled in for her.

"How can you sink so low, Harsh? How can you fall in love with your sis in law? She is equal to your mom in status, "I said dryly.

"Come on, bro...Don't be so naive. Anju and I go a long way back. We were in love from our college days, "he smirked.

"What? Is it true, Anjali? "I asked coarsely.

"Yes, Yadhu.We fell in love and are still in love. I will never give Harsh's place to anyone else," she said, patting harsh's arms.

"Then why the hell did you marry me?" I lashed out, unable to control myself.

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