9.A nightmare

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After this chapter I don't know anyone🥺🥺🥺🙈🙈🙈.And I have gone missing.

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Author's POV

"Where the hell is Yadhu?" Shreya questioned a frightened Raja who looked down in guilt.

"Madam...h-he went out yesterday night and has not been back yet," Raja answered meekly.

"Where were you, Raja, when he went out? How could you just let him go on his own? Was he sober, at least?" She raised her voice in frustration.

"Shrey...You are scaring him. What is his fault in this?" Arjun tried to calm her down.

"Madam...I begged him not to go alone, but h-he pushed me away, "Raja sobbed.

"I'm sorry, Raja...Sorry for yelling at you. I was just concerned for him," Shreya apologized, immediately realizing her mistake.

"Shreya Mam ...Doctor Sir...he ..."Smitha started but stopped abruptly, seeing her husband glaring at her.

"Raja...stop glaring at her, and Smitha, tell me whatever you want to say to me," Shreya asked Smitha.

"Doctor Sir was way too drunk yesterday, and he could barely stand on his legs. Raja pleaded with him to let him drive, but Sir was not in a mood to listen to anyone. He looked angry and was raging, "Smitha replied slowly.

"Shit...It's all because of that fucktard family of his. I'm damn sure that he has watched the interview—Arjun, what if he does something stupid. I'm scared now. He was drunk...What if some accident occurs? If some mishap happens with the hand of Yadhu, he will not survive it. You know his character, right? "Shreya expressed her worries to Arjun.

"Think positively, Shrey. Nothing will happen. He wouldn't have gone anywhere far since his condition was bad. And Raja searched for him as much as possible. Don't worry, Raja and I will go and search for him now," Arjun consoled her.

"And this is a small town; people would have definitely noticed him. So let's just be optimistic for now," Arjun reassured her again.

Arjun and Shreya started to Munnar the moment they saw Yadhu's family's cruel interview on TV. Both of them were worried for Yadhu, and Shreya was cursing his family nonstop. They knew that Yadhu was sensitive, and his family's cruelty will make him take some drastic steps. But by the time they reached Munnar, it was early in the morning, and Yadhu had already left worrying them to no extent. All they could do now was pray to God for his safety and try to search for him.

"I swear I'm gonna make Yadhu sue them all for spreading falsehood once we get him back safely," Shreya gritted her teeth in anger.

The ringing of her phone calmed her down a bit, and she attended it. But the news she heard from the caller made her slum down on the floor with a heartwrenching cry.

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