10.Endless Misery

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Too much emotional chapter.I'm crying nonstop from the previous two chapters😭😭😭😫😫😫...Sensitive content ahead...Read at your own risk.

And your author doesn't support abuse or rape...this is just a story...so don't throw stones at me🥺🥺🥺😔😔😔

Please vote dear readers🙏🙏🙏

Dedicated to

shadowsingh839 heartlessdevilbitch Vino60772
And to the shy silent reader who dmed me🤩🤩🤩
Author's POV

"Doctor Sir...What a pleasant surprise. I wanted to come and meet you personally," the SI greeted Yadhu as soon as he stepped inside the police station. Yadhu looked at him in wonder while Kanika clung onto him, scared to see the interior of the police station.

"You don't remember me, do you?" The SI asked in a friendly manner.

"My wife was your patient two years back. She is a heart patient and had to undergo surgery at Heartline hospital, and you were her doctor. You were the one who paid our hospital expenses when I ran short of money. My mom, wife, and kids talk about you every single day...for all of us, you are like God to us. And I was happy to know that you started working here," he explained to clear Yadhu's confusion.

Yadhu felt ashamed of himself hearing the man. He was not God but a beast, and after his confession, the man will hate him forever.

"Why are you here, doctor? Is there any complaint you like to make? "he asked genuinely.

"I-I..."Yadhu stuttered, not knowing how to begin his statement.

"Sir, don't hesitate. Trust me; I will help you. Is it related to this girl? "He asked curiously, looking at Kanika.

"Y-Yes," he replied and slowly briefed about the events that transpired between him and Kanika. The policeman patiently heard Yadhu, and as time passed, his face tightened, and seriousness took the place of friendliness in his face.

"I-I'm guilty, and I admit my crime, "he expressed himself, lowering his head in shame.

"Did you know that she was not a prostitute when you went to her? "The SI questioned him.

"N-No," he said truthfully.

"Did you know that she was mentally unstable when you slept with her?" he asked calmly.

"N-No," he answered.

"Is she even capable of telling in court that you raped her?" he asked again.

"S-She ...her condition is..."Yadhu stammered, but the policeman continued.

"Do you know where that pimp who brought her to you is?"

"I didn't find him anywhere. I tried to look for him on the way," he replied.

"Doctor Sir...You may think I have lost all the respect for you after your confession. But my respect for you increased as you showed courage by admitting your mistake. It is pretty evident from your statement that the man had tricked you and used this innocent girl. I know him...he is the local pimp here and a nuisance. But never thought that he would use innocent girls like her for his business."

"Doctor Sir, Just listen to my advice. As a police officer, I have seen more rape cases than you can imagine. Some high-profile cases get media hype, and the accused are given life imprisonment or recently death sentence. Remember the case of a 16-year-old girl from our nearby town who 42 men raped for more than 40 days in 1996...only 37 were accused, including a minister, and the court acquitted all 36 due to lack of evidence. And the one convicted was given life imprisonment, but that too was later upheld by the court. Still, the case is in the appeal at the Supreme court."

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