8.Pain of humiliation

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Read at your own risk...sensitive content ahead
Also please remember this is just a story so please don't curse this poor author.Already I'm on the verge of having a writers block.So  please don't demotivate me🥺🥺🥺🙏🙏🙏

People do stupid things when they are angry...so don't curse Yadhu

Yadhu's POV

"Yadhu...Why are you still drinking and spoiling your health thinking of that filth?" Shreya's shriek made my already aching head hurt more.

"For god's sake, you are a doctor. If you go on like this, you can soon kiss your doctor's degree goodbye," she said in a disappointed voice.

"I-I'm sorry, Shrey...It's just ...every single time I close my eyes ...her betrayal suffocates me, "I told her the bitter truth of my life.

"Is she the last woman on earth?... Tell you honestly, she looks like a witch...without the broom, of course. And she is not even that beautiful for you to still think of her... So just get over her," she taunted angrily.

"Maybe...but she was the only woman in my life, "I sighed.

"Yadhu, The truth is you are ruining your life while she is enjoying hers with your brother. Do you want them to have the pleasure of seeing you failed in your life?" she asked sharply.

"Shrey...I will try..."I started, she cut me off harshly

"Listen to me, Yadhu, and listen to me well...You are the chief doctor in that hospital. I won't let you risk the life of patients there. Keep your personal and professional life separate. If you keep drinking like this, I am sure you will commit some mistake soon, making you regret your entire life. All I can do is show you the right path; the rest is your choice," she told me before hanging up the phone in distress.

I got up from the bed, thinking of Shreya's words. Indeed every word of hers is sincere...I have been spoiling my life.

It's been a week now after I took Adi out to see the mountains. It was the moment I had truly enjoyed and cherished. But after that, Adi got busy with his exams, and I scarcely got to see him around.

My loneliness scared me, and I resorted to drinking to fight it. I would remain sober during the days when I was working, but on off days like these, all hell breaks loose inside me. I would drink myself to the point where I lose my consciousness completely. I was sad and depressed, and the pain hurt so much that I cannot express it in words.

It was almost evening when I got up, and after doing my morning routines, I found that Smitha had already left after making my food. She had kept it inside the microwave, so I just reheated it and brought it to the living room. I didn't have any appetite, but I didn't want Smitha's hard work to go in vain. So I turned on the TV and surfed through the channels while eating food.

As I browsed through the channels, I froze at one entertainment channel, seeing a special interview given by none other than my dad, Mr.Saran Krishna, and his family, including Anjali. They were happily announcing the wedding date of Harsh and Anjali, which was planned a week later. Harsh and Anjali were sitting hand in hand and telling the interviewer how much they were in love. But strangely, it didn't affect me because I was looking at how happy Mr.Saran seemed for his favorite son, Harsh.

I carefully watched the interview and was shocked when the interviewer asked them,

"So, Ms.Anjali...Is it true that you were married to the elder brother of Mr.Harsh, and you had divorced him? And now you are marrying his brother. Isn't it a bit weird? "The interviewer was definitely trying to increase the channel's TRP.

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