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This chapter is dedicated to
AditiSwaroop Dhruti_Rathod catgrl04 Ambriya16 love_become_hell Aakriti234 NilofarShaikh85 for commenting on the previous chapters.Thanks for the support dears.if I missed out anyone it was not intentional ...your author is just growing old.😜😜😜🤣🤣🤣🤣

I'm permanently dedicating my chapters to ArchiStewart shailahashmi SweCanMia Please don't abandon me 🥺🥺🥺
And to all those who voted...I know each and everyone who votes for me.🙏🙏🙏🙏🥰🥰🥰

And I'm not dedicating a single chapter to you sreekutty15 because you threaten me to write chapters and also hates my David😬😬😬Just watch your Yadhu is crying buckets in this chapter😎😎😎

Yadhu's POV

"No, No, No...You are lying, dad. I'm your son, and you are my mom and dad, "I pleaded as hot tears trailed down my cheeks.

"Do I look like I am lying to you?" my dad scorned.

"Look, boy, I have been tolerating you all these years just because of my dad. That old man still trusts your slut mother. After all the damages she has done, he still thinks that she is innocent. But I hate her because she betrayed me and eloped with Varun Raj...that bastard who was the manager in my company. Many people warned me about your mother and his illicit relationship, but I trusted her more than anything. And she broke my trust by eloping with him. But there is god indeed ...that's why they both died in an accident while trying to elope with my hard-earned money, "he sneered, remembering the past.

"D-Dad.." a whimper left my mouth.

"You know I wanted to die because of the humiliation I faced back then, but Devika helped me in my depressed state. If she had not stood by me, I would have been dead. And after that incident, I worked hard to achieve whatever I am today. Devika gave me a family that your whore mother failed to provide me with. And when Harsh was born, I was the happiest man in this world," he sighed.

I felt a pang of hurt hearing my dad express his happiness about his family...a family where he refused to let me be a part of. I was already shocked to know that the person I respected as my mom was not mine, and my very existence till now was nothing but a lie.

"D-Dad...How is it my fault if my birth mother abandoned you and me?" I asked, feeling bitter against my biological mom though I don't know anything about her.

"Because after her death, I did a DNA test on you to confirm whether you were my son indeed, and guess what...that whore couldn't shut her legs even when she was married to me. You are her bastard, and if she had been alive, she would have been confused as to who your father was, "he spoke harshly.

"D-Dad...Please don't say that I'm not your son...Please...Just tell me all of this is a prank...a lie...You all are teasing me, right? Dad...I know I never lived up to your expectations, but I promise...I will try to reach up to your standard...Please, Dad...don't abandon me...I'm your son...Please don't do this to me, "I pleaded for their mercy like a beggar in front of them without any shame. The revelation had already destroyed me, and I couldn't take in any more.

"Boy...Listen to me and listen to me very carefully. A bastard like you can never be my son, and I will never accept you as my son even in your dreams. Harsh is my only son, and I can go to any extent for his happiness. And I will not let you destroy my son's and Anjali's happiness. You will grant her divorce..that too tomorrow," He grunted.

"D-Dad...How could you do this to me? Don't you even consider me a human?" I cried in pain. I thought I saw his face softened for a moment, but then he clenched his jaws in anger as if I was the most disgusting thing in his life.

"No ...You are just deceitful like your mother. I will not let Anjali's life be destroyed like mine. And just for your satisfaction, I will leave the decision to Anjali, "he said sternly and turned towards Anjali.

"Anjali...You are like my own daughter. Tell me do you want to live with Yadhunandhan," he asked her in a deep voice, and my name sounded like a slap to me from his mouth.

I laughed inwardly at the irony of the situation...I was the victim here, yet everyone treated Anjali with all the respect. I was regarded...no; I was confirmed to be a culprit here while everyone waited for Anjali's decision. I knew what her decision would be; after all, it was all their plan. They had planned to ruin me, but I still hoped that they would show some mercy on me in the corner of my heart. How wrong I was to even expect humanity from these people I know now hated me to the brim.

"He cannot satisfy a woman in bed," she accused, breaking my chain of thoughts.

"Anjali..." a painful yelp left my mouth.

"I'm telling the truth...we have been married for almost six months, and we never had any kind of intimate relationship...I want a divorce...I can't stay with an impotent man and waste my life," she yelled mercilessly.

I felt the earth beneath me begin to crumble hearing her accusations.

"Moreover, I love Harsh, and he loves me. So please stop being a hindrance in our love and grant me a divorce," she said harshly to me and held my brother's hands lovingly.

I was already destroyed ...there was nothing left for me to lose anymore. All these years, I had never felt like a failure in my life. But today, my family managed to make me feel like one in a single day.

"I'm ready to give you a divorce. Have a happy life ahead, "I wished them as tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

"Finally," my brother sighed happily and hugged my wife without any remorse or guilt while my parents looked at the couple happily as if I never existed in their life.

Something broke inside me seeing them unbothered about my pain, and that's the day I started hating everything around me.

"Yadhunandhan...You heard her, right? No woman would want to be with a sterile man. Maybe you are paying for your mother's sins. It's good that you are ready to grant her divorce. I will consider this as repayment for raising you . And I want you to move out of my house right now. I don't want to bear you in my happy family one more second. Our lawyer will contact you tomorrow," my dad...if I could call him that, ordered me before storming inside his room.

"Can I believe you won't curse us, Yadhu? Maybe we can still remain friends after our divorce," Anjali said, smirking at me.

"Why would he curse us? I have heard barren men are condemned; they can't curse others. Don't worry, children, I will purify the house with water from the temple after this bastard child leaves," Mrs. Devika Saran mocked while Harsh and Anjali burst out in laughter. I couldn't bring myself to call her my mother after what just transpired.

I couldn't find my voice to stand up for me. It was like a lump formed in my throat, preventing me from reacting to their taunts.

My heart tightened in pain..a lot of unexplainable pain. Being a cardiac surgeon, I had always laughed when someone told me that they had a heartbreak...but today I felt it...all of it ...now I knew the meaning of heartbreak...and I believed that indeed a heart could break...that too into tiny pieces which could never be joined back.

With a lowered head, I walked out of their house and their life like a defeated person.

I had indeed broken my heart when I decided to love her.

How was the chapter?

Is Yadhu really not Mr.Saran's son.Is something wrong somewhere ?

What do you think of the accusations about his mom by his dad?Are they true or is there something fishy?

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