7.Sea of Blue

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Dedicated to ramat2002

Yadhu's POV

"Doctor Sir, I have made the food for you and laid the table. Please have it on time, "Smitha told me, standing awkwardly in front of my door. She was around 36 or maybe more and lived with her husband Raja and 10-year-old son Aditya in the outhouse.

"Alright, Smitha...Thank You. I will have it. You can go home now," I told her with a faint smile. It was a Saturday and my off day. I have been here for about a month now. As promised, Shreya had taken care of everything ...she didn't even leave anything for me to do. All I had to do was go to work, come back home, have food, and go to sleep and repeat.

I was amazed by the people in this small town. They were humble and very friendly. Most of them worked in the tea plantations. Even the neighbors here came to visit me with food as I'm new here...something I never experienced in the busy city life. Smitha and Raja treated me with so much respect and care. Their son Aditya was a naughty little boy who became my friend on the very first day.

During the day, the new environment and the caring people kept me engaged. But as night falls, my insecurities and pain resurfaced... I hated it...It was as if the bad memories were not letting me live my life peacefully...And I resorted to drinking, knowing it was affecting my health and profession.

I came out of my thoughts when I saw Smitha still standing at the door scratching her forehead.

"Do you want to tell me something, Smitha?" I questioned, seeing her hesitation.

"Actually, Doctor Sir, Aditya is being stubborn...He wants to take you out to see the Neelakurinji(Strobilanthes) flower bloom. He has become very naughty and is refusing to have his food," she said in a dilemma.

"Don't worry, Smitha. I will accompany him. Where is Adi?" I assured her.

"Right here," the naughty boy jumped from behind the door.

"Didn't I say, mom, that Yadhu will surely come with me?" he shrieked happily.

"Adi...How dare you address doctor Sir by his name. Come on, say sorry," Smitha scolded him in her stern voice.

"Yadhu is my friend; he asked me to call him by his name. Isn't it so, Yadhu? "he said with a pout.

"But it's disrespectful, Adi. He is elder to you, "Smitha nodded her head in disappointment.

"Smitha, stop scolding him. I was the one who asked him to call me by my name. The way you all call me Doctor Sir is making me feel like a grandpa. I even asked you to address me by name, but you don't listen to me," I said to her.

"And you big boy...Let's leave after lunch. I told him, and he squealed delightedly.

"Adi had his lunch already, Doctor Sir. And please don't skip lunch, or Shreya Ma'm will scold me," she told me in concern.

"So you are her spy, right? "I asked her playfully.

"No ...No...It's just that Shreya Mam asked us both to take care of you. So it is my duty," she said in anxiety.

"Don't worry, Smitha. I will take Adi with me after having my lunch. Is that ok with you?"I asked her.

"I'm sorry...he's been bothering you a lot these days," she said with worry lacing her voice.

"No, he is not a bother; on the contrary, he is the one who is keeping me sane," I said, meaning every word of it.

"Adi...You have to behave while being with Doctor Sir. And should not ask him to buy snacks for you," she ordered her son.

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