5.A Father's curse

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Dedicating this chapter to lsviv25...that's me... for updating for 5 days back to back in a row.Now I'm damn sure that I have been posessed🤣🤣🤣🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😝😝😝

likan_ft for sharing my story on insta...
RiyaKumariKarn  Aruchzz                                for commenting on previous chapter

And the whole book is dedicated to sreekutty15...I wouldn't have penned down this story if she hadn't forced me.But this is for you😏😏😏😈😈😈🤣🤣🤣

Author's POV

"You will regret this one day, Saran. Just mark my words," Krishna Ram warned his son in his austere voice.

"No...I would never regret it. You are my father, yet you still support that bitch and her bastard son. I don't know what magic she has done for you to believe that she is innocent. I have shown you all the evidence which proves that she had indeed planned to elope with Varun," Saran sneered.

"Look, Saran...Just a piece of a document doesn't prove anything. You were not like this when Yadhu was born, were you? You loved him, right. You were excited to hold him in your hands the day he was born. Then what happened. Just because someone says that he is not your son doesn't change the truth. And how can you decide to do a DNA test on him...he is your own blood...I will never trust those reports...It can always be false."

"Moreover, you and Nandhini loved each other so much. I know who created misunderstandings between you both. And because of those misunderstandings, you ruined Nandhini and Yadhu's life, "Krishna Ram tried to talk some sense into his stubborn son.

"You are right, dad. I loved Nandhini ...I loved her so much. Even though she was an orphan and didn't match our family status, I loved her and married her. I was never bothered about her family status. But how did she repay me? By cheating on me behind my back, having an affair with my manager, and eloping with him. Do you know the humiliation I faced? People used to taunt me all the time, saying I was not man enough to satisfy my wife. That's why she left me and eloped with her lover. I trusted her so much, but her betrayal shattered me. And Yadhu...when people mocked me that he might be the result of my wife's affairs, never once did I trust any of those. But I wanted to confirm and tell the world that he is indeed my blood and flesh. That's the only reason I ran that DNA test...but little did I know that the results will destroy me beyond repair. All I did was love her unconditionally, and all I received was deception. Though she is dead, I will never forgive her for this nor will ever accept her bastard as mine," Saran vented out his frustration to his father.

"Don't believe in all that you see. Sometimes our beliefs can be false. Say whatever you want to say...I will never believe that Yadhu isn't my grandchild, even if god himself appears before me and says it. I don't need any test to know whether he is my blood or not. And Nandhini...sorry to say this, son...you never trusted her nor did you love her...she was just a trophy wife for you. Remember, I was the one against you when you decided to marry Nandhini. The old proud Krishna Ram couldn't digest the fact that you were about to marry an orphan. But all my misconceptions changed when I met Nandhini. She didn't walk into your parent's life as a daughter-in-law...she was indeed a daughter to us. One could feel that she had a majestic aura around her. I remember you could not handle our small company and you sort to drinking and crying all day. It was Nandhini's efforts that made our company what it is today...never forget that. I remember how she single-handedly managed work and home. She lived for us...yet you started mistrusting her...why?...because some people began spouting nonsense about a successful woman. I pity you, Saran. You never deserved her."

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