Chapter 2

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The morning sun came peeking through the blinds and slowly made its way over to Lucy's bed, sliding closer and closer with every passing minute until it finally reached her face.

Now most people consider waking up with the sun shining and the birds singing their morning songs as a perfect start of the day. Who wouldn't want to live their life like a Disney princess right? But not Lucy...

No, Lucy wasn't exactly what you would call a morning person.

The only reason she would be awake around sunrise was because she didn't go to bed at all and was still up partying. There was no way anyone would get her out of bed a minute earlier than she absolutely had to.

Lucy groaned when she felt the warmth on her face and hid underneath her duvet. It should be considered illegal to wake up before your alarm.

Wait a minute... The sun was shining, her alarm was set at 7 am. This shouldn't be possible. What time was it?

Her arm appeared from underneath the duvet and patted the night table a few times in search of her phone. When she couldn't find it, she threw back the duvet and looked around the room in a light panic. Now where could she... oh.

Everything from the day before finally caught up to her.

How her new babysitter took away her phone, and then had the nerve to come and ask for her laptop and tablet too. He even scolded her for slamming her bedroom door, like she was still a child. In her own home!

She stared at her open door. Him and his stupid rules...

She thought back to their argument about it yesterday. How he threatened to unhinge all her doors if she wouldn't listen, and she in turn might have accused him of being a pervert. Fíli had pulled his hair in frustration before he thundered down the stairs again, mumbling something about impossible rich brats.

Speaking of... It was awfully quiet. He was still here, wasn't he?

Lucy crawled out of bed and tiptoed to the open door of her bedroom, sticking her head out into the hallway. Nothing.

Without getting her hopes up too much, she made her way to the edge of the landing and peeked over the railing into the living room.

"I can hear you, you know," a voice sounded from the couch. "You're not exactly trying to be subtle."

Lucy sighed and rolled her eyes. Nope, not gone yet.

Her bare feet dragged her down the stairs and to the living room before she realised she was still in her night clothes: a black tank top and her grey shorts.

Lucy paused, should she go back upstairs and change? Wasn't this weird?

There was a stranger in her house and she was barely dressed. Chad would have a fit if he knew. It might even make Fíli uncomfortable.

But hey, she was in her own house! If she wanted to walk around like this, she could. If he couldn't handle it, he knew where the door was.

Fíli was lying stretched out on his back on the couch, his head resting on his arms, feet on the arm rest.

"Comfortable, are we?" Lucy asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

She noticed he had rolled up his sleeping bag already and stowed it away with his pillow. It didn't come as a surprise that he had his bed made as soon as he was out of it. Even if technically his bed was her couch. He shifted so he was sitting upright, and looked at his watch.

"Do you always sleep this late?" he wondered.

"Why, what time is it?"

"It's well past 10."

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