(second year) Ch. 17 The Whole School Is Scared of Harry

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(I'm sorry, I tried at fluff)

"The heir's after muggleborns! How can you not be bothered?!!" The two of us were alone in the dorm where Dean was losing his mind, which means he tried to spend the rest of his life hiding in the shower. "It's gonna petrify people, and we're all gonna die!!"

"Dean," I tried to be the level-headed one in this conversation and used the most soothing voice I am capable of. "It's just a rumor. Collin could've been cursed or something."

"What if it's not!! The girl fifty years ago was muggleborn, and so was Collin! They could get all the muggleborns in the school! What if they get me?" He said the last line softy.

"Whoa, what are you talking about? You're halfblood. The heir wouldn't attack you."

"Am I though?" He looked at me desperately, silently begging me to reassure him that he was halfblood.

"Just cause you don't know your father doesn't mean he's muggle! You don't know for sure, how the hell could the heir?!"

"I don't know!! I don't know."

He fell to the floor and buried his head in his hands, defeated. A strangled sob escaped him.

I pulled him into a hug as he cried into shoulder.

"I - I just don't want to die," he whispered.

I won't let you die. I'll protect you with my life.

Crying did him worlds of good but Dean was still a train wreck, as was the whole school. Neville had tapped him on the shoulder during breakfast and Dean almost stabbed him with a fork. I could tell how much he was hurting, he tried to hold it together for school but he was breaking inside.

It really didn't help his nerves when Lockhart had the amazing idea to create a Dueling Club. "To teach you defenseless kids how to protect yourselves." Bullshit.

In theory the idea was great, but in Lockhart's hand it failed miserably.

"Don't worry, Potter, I'll get rid of the snake for you." Snape sauntered over to where Harry stood transfixed at the snake Malfoy conjured. But then Harry started hissing.

Words in a garbled language mixed with snake-like hissing and a fair amount spewed clearly out of his mouth. I had never heard the language before, and as horrifying as it was I couldn't help but stare in awe.

The hall stood with mouths agape as Harry spoke to the snake. And the snake listened. It turned from him and swayed in front of a Hufflepuff, preparing to strike at Harry's command. Before the poor boy could be killed Snape swished his wand and the snake turned to ash.

"What was that about?!" The Hufflepuff shouted. His eyes angrily bore through Harry's.

Harry stared at him in confusion, like he wasn't there a second ago when he almost got someone killed.

The hall rioted. Everyone was trying to attack Harry, to kill him even. The near-death experience with the snake sent everyone into a fit of murderous anger. I'm surprised Harry was able to be escorted out without losing a limb.

He wasn't allowed in Gryffindor Tower that night, a punishment from Dumbledore no doubt. The form was strangely quiet without Harry and Ron talking and laughing through the night.

When everyone else fell asleep, I tried to finish some homework that was due in seven hours. I was the only one awake so I figured it was a good time to struggle with life.

In the next bed Dean was having a restless sleep. Thrashing around and trying to fight an invisible enemy. I looked on with worry as he struggled through his nightmare.

Dean awoke with a sharp cry. His dark eyes were filled with fear as they darted around the room. He fought back tears and tried to get his shaky breathing under control, with no luck.

"Dean? You ok mate?" Stupid question.

He nodded slowly but it was a complete lie.

"The nightmare again?"

He nodded again.

"Move over."

I put my homework down, which I wasn't upset  about, and crossed the small space between our beds to sit next to him. A tear rolled down his cheek and his eyes were distant. I enveloped him into the best comforting hug I could manage.

"Am I going to be murdered, Seamus?" He shakily whispered.

"No," I said "Dumbledore won't let that happen. I won't let that happen."

He fell silent but I could tell my words did almost nothing. Whatever darkness the rumor of the heir of Slytherin pulled him into wasn't about to let him go, no matter the comfort I tried to put into my words.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

Dean shook his head but relaxed into my hug more.


I stayed there hugging him until he finally closed his eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep, or as peaceful as he was capable. Not long after I found myself drifting off into dreams. And there we woke the next morning, my arms still wrapped around him to let him know everything would be alright.

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