2- San Fransokyo

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A/N okay, this is where the story REEEEALLY starts, ehehe.

"And the winner by complete and utter destruction! The champion of bot fighting, Queen Cyber!" The girl announcer with chopsticks in her bun handed the pot of money to (y/n). 'Cyber' was her fighter name, she has chosen it simply because she dealt with robotics and cyber networks all the time. Well, she didn't have a lot else to do now.

(Y/N) stood up and announced in her cool clear voice, "Anybody else want to fight before I leave?"

Tons of bot fighters, some double (y/n)'s age, shook their heads and backed away from her. She smirked. She was now 14, and yet she had the body, mind, and intimidation of someone much older. She wasn't paticulary tall. Around 5ft. which was normal, but she had a mature figure as well as a sharp mind. (y/n) began to pack up her bot when she heard a young voice.

"Can I try?"

The crowd on spectators parted to reveal a boy (y/n)'s height and age, he had spikey black hair, large almond shaped brown eyes, beige shorts, dark brown converse, a red shirt and a navy blue hoodie. He said in a meek voice,

"I have a robot....I built it myself..."

He held up a small robot that looked like magnets to (y/n) but she wasn't close enough to get a better look. The enitre crowd, except (Y/n) started laughing at him, and he shrank back a little. Chopstick girl mocked him.

"Beat it kid, house rules, you gotta pay to play," she said, holding up the money pot.

"Oh!" The kid pulled a bunch of crumpled notes out of his pocket, "Is this enough?"

(y/n) wondered how a kid his age could be a beginner and still have so much money.

"What's your name,?" She asked him.

"Hiro......Hiro Hamada..."

"Alright. Prepare your bot." and with a flick of her (h/l) (h/c), Cyber walked back to her playing area and lifed her controller. Hiro placed his money in the pot along with Cyber's and walked to his area. Chopstick girl put her parasol in between the bots.

"Two bots enter, one bot leaves,"

Hiro peeked over the edge to catch a glimpse of Cyber, he had to admit, she was quite beautiful. He wished he could see her eyes, but they were hidden behind a digital looking mask that covered the top half of her face. She looked young, but maybe not as young as him.....maybe...

"fighters ready?! FIGHT!" Chopstick girl lifted her parasol and Cyber's robot lurched foreward as Hiro's skimpy little device waddled in front.

Jeez.....this kid doesn't know what he's doing. I should just make this quick and painless.

Cyber's robot grabbed onto Hiro's and threw it into the air before slicing it the three places, it fell to the floor in bits. Hiro looked heartbroken.

Sorry, Hiro.

"Th-That was my first fight..I..."

Cyber pitied the kid a little...beginners always had it rough.

"Can I try again? I've got more money.."

The battle restarted and Cyber took her position again. Until she looked at Hiro. He had an almost evil smirk about him, as he eyed Cyber's bot.

"Megabot..." he said clearer and deeper as he extened his controller.


The yellow smiley face on the top of Megabot flipped around to an angry face and the bot began dealing serious damage to Cyber's bot.

Damnit! The kid was faking it!!! Damnit (Y/N) you shoulda seen that one coming.

Cyber's bot was in trouble, but she was a champion and knew exactly how to win. Her bot expelled a magnet at the other end of the ring, attracting Megabot, Hiro's eyes widened at the battle intensified.

After a full hour, both bots collapsed at the same time, a draw was called as money was returned to both players.(Y/N) was enraged that Hiro had faked it. She waited until he had left before grabbing his arm.

"Listen kid, who the hell do you think you are?! Faking a beginner's luck? You're lucky I'm a champion and have a good reputation otherwise you'd be bedridden by now. Others may not be so soft." She sighed and looked him in the eye. "You're not a bad fighter, but you keep pulling stunts like that, you'll make bad enemies. People like fat ass Yama, he'd kill you if he was hustled like that."

Hiro nodded "I'm sorry miss Cyber, I just like surprising people."

(y/n) smiled at him. "Get outta here squirt."

Hiro ran off, but not before taking a last look at the beautiful Queen Cyber.

(y/n) watched him run off. He had strength and a well built bot, she wouldn't deny that, he just had a really bad attitude twords bot fighting. Then again. What they were doing was technicaly illegal in San Fransokyo. (Y/N) has served a few hours jail time herself, but she was sharp and smart enough to know how to not get caught. She packed up her bot, took off her mask, and walked home with her headphones on. She could see Hiro on the other side of the street and watched him for a few moments while listening to the lyrics of the song that was playing.

The moment is right, so don't wait.

Get ready to fight, when I say,

Break free of the chains, that hold you back,

react, and plan your attack.

Hiro was listening to music as well, he looked over at (y/n) and she immediately looked away. A red tint forming on her cheeks. Hiro's attention went back to his phone and she looked at him again, at his gravity-defying hair.

Brace yourself and run into the battlefield,

move on, don't falter, plan your pursuit and,

Charge on in. Head on. I will be your shield.

Go on, release the Goddess inside you!

(Y/N) looked up. It was a full moon tonight, with hundreds of stars surrounding it. She smiled, the night sky always seemed to calm her down. She loved it.

In every star

In every moon

In every Vena

There lives Athena

In every star

In every moon

In every Vena

There lives Athena

Hiro stopped outside a cafe with the sign 'Lucky Cat Cafe' above the door. Is this where he lived? (y/n) shrugged it off but gave him another glance before hurrying home to Yura. She dissapproved highly of her bot fighting but with Yura unemployed, someone had to make money around here.

From the deepest oceans

To the shallow shore

You will hear her cry

The goddess of war

From the deepest oceans

to the shallow shore

you will hear her cry

The goddess of war.

A/N Weeeeellll? is it alright? You're Queen of bot fighting yaaaaaay! The song is by Vocaloid Cyber Diva and is called Athena, I think it fits reader-chans personality in this chapter. And Hiro likes you i think. eh? EHHH???

I'll update as often as i can you guys, Promise!!!

LilyPixel xo

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