8- Anger

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A/N I went from 60 to 105 in a day????? Wow...I never thought I'd get That many reads honestly thank you guys!!!

Hiro smiled at his new girlfriend. (y/n), who was smiling at him while flying in the air whilst the other five were hanging onto Baymax. They were flying towards an island just off the coast of San Fransokyo, where Baymax had located Kabuki mask guy. Hiro  closed his eyes for a moment, re-living their kiss, and he sighed for a moment, in a dreamy state, until Gogo pinched him, bringing back to reality.
"Stop daydreaming about (y/n) Hiro. We're almost there."

Timeskip sorryyyyyy

"P..Professor Callaghan?"  Hiro's eyes darkened when he saw the face behind the mask.
"But....you're dead...there was a fire....Tadashi..."
"I had your microbots."
"But Tadashi and Yura went in there! They died trying to save you!"
"That was their mistake!!"

That did it. (y/n) screamed.
Hiro clenched his fists and turned to Baymax.
"Baymax, destroy him. "
"Hiro, I cannot harm a-"
Hiro pulled out the green med chip and tossed it to the side, leaving the red fighting chip inside, and sending Baymax into a destructive rage.
The green chip caught (y/n's) eye and she immediately realised what Hiro had done. He ordered Baymax to kill Callaghan, but the other five were trying their best to stop the raging giant.
"Honey Lemon!" (y/n) called, tossing the green chip to her, she caught it and managed to get it back into Baymax. He immediately calmed down.
"I apologise for any stress or injury, I might have caused." he said, somehow meekly in his monotone voice.
Hiro, on the other hand, was engulfed in rage.
"WHY DID YOU DO THAT!? We almost had him!" Hiro yelled.
Wasabi folded his arms.
"What you just did, we didn't sign up for." he said coldly.
Hiro blew.
"I should never have let you all help me." He got onto the back of Baymax and flew up.
(Y/n) was furious at him again. She looked around at her friends.
"Fred, get Heathcliff to pick you up, I'll get him to wize the hell up."
She burst through the hole in the ceiling and followed the red dot that was Baymax and Hiro with immense speed. She landed after them outside and stormed inside while Hiro was attempting to get at Baymax's green med chip. She grabbed him by the arm and pushed him gainst a wall, her eyes red with rage tears and her voice broken.
"What the hell was that!?"
She said calmly.
"This is all your fault!" he shouted back.
"How in Holy Alchemy is it my fault?"
"If you had just shot Callaghan, none of this would have happened!" he said and hit her, she fell to the floor.
"You think I'm a killer?! You think I'm that low a human being?! Who the hell do you think you are, you have no right to judge me, I have seen things you wouldn't believe, I have seen my home burnt, my sister killed. "
(y/n) looked up at him, blood dripping from her nose, his heart broke, what had he done..

"And someone I love on the edge of losing everything. So before you say another word, Hiroki Takachiro Hamada, think about the girl you're talking to!"
Tears streamed down (y/n's) face.
Hiro ran to her and helped her up.
"(y/n)....I......I'm so sorry...I never wanted to hurt you...I just..." he buried his head in his hands. (y/n) gently put her arms around him.

"Promise me," she whispered.
"that you'll never do anything that stupid ever again. Okay?"
He smiled and nodded, wiping the blood and tears from her beautiful face.

"Just for you, "

A/N anger management much?

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