5- Fire

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A/N thanks for all your support guys!!! Here's an update for ya!

"Nothing. Nothing. Useless. Empty. Brain!" Hiro repeatedly banged his head off the desk, causing the various pens and cramped up bits of paper around him to vibrate.
Tadashi laughed as he lay on his bed. "Washed up at fourteen, so sad." he chuckled.
Hiro pushed himself back on his chair from the desk and rested his head on his hand.
"I got nothing! I'm never getting in!" He groaned. (y/n) picked up Megabot and looked at it.
"Don't think about it as a contest, think of just a bot fighting bot or something, something you want to make..." she said.
Hiro took a long hard look at Megabot. His eyes widened.

Thats it!

~time skippin'~

Hiro stood rubbing his hands together nervously as the other five members of their group placed large bins in various places around the room. (Y/n) rested her hand on his shoulder, and he looked up at her.
"....(y/n)...I really wanna go here...."
She smiled softly at him, he loved that smile, calm, comforting and absolutely beautiful, a small pink blush spreading across Hiro's face.
"You'll do fine...I promise. If anyone can get into this school, it's you, Hiro."
He smiled and hugged her. Causing her to blush deeply but after a few moments, she put her arms around him, hugging him back, she knew he was nervous,  but she rubbed her hand up and down his back, gently comforting him
Next showcase: Hiro Hamada
"Good luck Hiro..." (y/n) said quietly as she hurried off to let the others wish him good luck. He watched her go and sighed a little. Honey Lemon cooed,
"Ohhhhh! Hiro has a thing for (y/n)!"
"I do not!"

(y/n) watched Hiro's showcase on microbots with her sister Yura, who came mainly for the free food, he stumbled at first, but after that he owned the stage, and the surrounding area, soon EVERYONE at the showcase was focused on Hiro and his bots. He even had Alistair Krei himself try to buy his bots, but Hiro declined on the advice of (y/n), Tadashi, and Professer Callaghan himself.
The group of nine walked out of the building with Hiro clutching his acceptance letter and smiling happily.
Cass hugged Tadashi and Hiro tightly. "Alright everyone! Bqck to the café! Dinner is on meeeeee! Ah I'm so proud of you!" Tadashi smiled and signalled Hiro, Yura and (y/n) to follow him to the secluded bridge facing the Ito Ishioka building, Hiro chuckled at Tadashi.
"I know what you're gonna say; I should be proud of myself cause I'm finally using my gift for something important~!"
"No I was going to tell you your fly was down for the whole show."
Hiro sarcastically laughed. "Ha. Ha. Hilarious." He then glanced down, gasped, and elbowed his brothers arm.
(y/n) laughed. "Don't worry, it wasn't that noticeable."
Yura raised an eyebrow,
"Oh so you were looking at him there (y/n)?" She smirked. (y/n) went dark red.
"What?! NO! Shaddap!"
Hiro laughed hard.
"Hey, guys, I wouldn't be here without you, so....thanks for not giving up on me."

The four heard an alarm in the distance and ran to the main building to discover it engulfed in flames. People were running and screaming everywhere as Tadashi helped a woman away from the blaze.
"Are you alright?" he asked cautiously.
The woman coughed. "I'm fine.. B..but Professor Callaghan is still in there!"
Tadashi looked up at the flames and ran towards them, Hiro grabbed his arm.
"Tadashi, no!"
"Someone has to help!!"
Tadashi ran into the building, dropping his hat in the process,
"Tadashi!!" Yura yelled and ran into the building after him.
"Yura!!" (y/n) shouted as she and Hiro began to run after the two, but the building exploded, knocking them back off their feet and making them fall onto the ground.
(y/n) looked up and started screaming.
"YURA!!!! YURA!!!!!"
Hiro screamed too,

Three days later, a shrine was held, three pictures were set under the gate of SFIT, one of Callaghan, one of Tadashi, and one of Yura.
The triple funeral was a respectful service, but the rain only added to Hiro and (y/n)'s tears. Afterwards, everyone gathered at the café, but (y/n) hid under Hiro's desk, crying her eyes out. Hiro sat at the top of the stairs, unaware of (y/n)'s location. He sighed and went into his room, throwing his blazer on the bed and sitting with his head in his hands, he heard soft crying and looked up. There he saw (y/n), curled up in a ball under his desk, her eyes bloodshot and her hair messy. He got up and walked over to her, holding his Hand out. She took it, stood up, and they hugged, both crying and clutching each other for fear of losing the other. Hiro was all (y/n) had left, and she was all he had,

"I'm so sorry, Hiro."
"It's okay...at least we still have each other...."


Will update soon

LilyPixel xx

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