9- Candracar

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A/N so this is where majority of actual movie references end~

Hiro woke up with a smile on his face. He felt a warm fluffy body snuggle into his arms and he squeezed her a little.
The figure in his arms stirred and she opened a beautiful (e/c) eye.
It had been six months since the team of seven had defeated Callaghan and saved the city, and not a lot of serious crime had occurred since then, giving Hiro and (y/n) plenty of time to build on and develop their relationship.
After Yura's death, (y/n) had sold the apartment they had lived in and paid Aunt Cass money to let her stay there with Hiro.
He, was delighted at the news that (y/n) would be living with him.
She slept in his bed with him, cuddling each other close, especially during the cold nights.
"Morning, beautiful." Hiro smiled at her as she nuzzled into his neck.
"Hey there."
"We should really get up..."
Hiro smiled and looked at her. He pulled her up by her wrists and kissed her.
She smiled into the kiss and returned it, but Hiro went on, poking his tongue at her lips, and she gave him entrance, she had melted into the moment, running her fingers through his jet black hair and pulling herself closer to him.
Hiro paused the kiss to throw off his shirt and wrap his arm tight around her as she pressed herself tight against him.
(y/n) was about to take her own shirt off when their sensual moment was cut off by Aunt Cass, calling him.
Hiro pulled away from (y/n) and groaned in annoyance. She giggled and picked his shirt up from the floor before handing it to him.
Baymax activated himself and waddled over to where the two were cuddling and projected a picture of a kung fu looking guy with a gang of thieves stealing from the Isayama house.
"That's Yumi's house! Hiro we need to suit up." (y/n) said firmly as Baymax contacted the others, Hiro nodded and ran down to the garage to get his and her suits.

The team of seven arrived at the
Isayama house and (y/n)s jaw dropped when she saw the boy leading the gang of thieves. He looked just as shocked as he looked back at her.

"Hello (y/n).
"You look great."
"Shut the hell up Candracar."

Gogo looked up at her, "(y/n)...who is he?"

"This is the man that burned down mine and Yura's house in Londney,
He killed my mother.."
Hiro flew toward Candracar in a blazing anger, the others followed suit and soon a raging battle began. To avenge Azuka and Yura.

~small time skip cause I just can't write fight scenes skippin to the end of the fight...~

Candracar retreated with his band of thieves, leaving Big Hero 7 to recover from their battle.
(y/n) was wounded, but she tried to carry on. She took a few steps forward, but collapsed. Hiro's face turned white with fear as he picked her up and raced to the nearest hospital, on Baymaxs advice..

A/N ooooooooooooo

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