Farbanti Defense

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Sol 6 was performing the final preflight checks on his Morgan when the air raid sirens sounded. In retaliation for the drone strikes and capture of the Space Elevator. The Osean Maritime Defense Forces had deployed their aircraft carrier the Kestrel II to launch a retaliatory strike on the Erusean capital.
He quickly climbed the boarding ladder and initiated the startup procedures and scrambled to the runway. There was no time to waste, the Kestrel II had launched her aircraft and they had begun bombing the city.

Luca pressed the mic button on the flight stick, "Tower this is Sol 6, requesting take off clearance." He said.

"Sol 6 you're cleared for take off! Hurry up and get up there!"

Luca applied full power and was thrown into the seat as the Morgan's two powerful WWX-GD-400 engines increased thrust and rocketed the massive jet forward. With enough speed, he pulled the stick back and gained altitude. The ADFX-01 despite being the predecessor to the ADF-01 Falken was still a massive cut above his old F-14A when it came to performance and maneuverability despite being a larger aircraft and he no longer had to worry about compressor stalls either.

"All planes this is AWACS Roxman. We have several Osean fighters heading into Farbanti Airspace...you are cleared to engage. Defend the city from the enemy fighters and send their aircraft carrier to the bottom of the sea!"

Luca spotted several Osean fighters on the radar, F-35C's and F-18F's. The Osean fighters acquired a lock first and fired their missiles forcing him to switch on the IEWS. The countermeasure worked and the missiles lost their lock and missed him completely. Luca's hands began to shake as he went into the merge with the lead F-35 and turned to engage it.
Luca got onto the F-35's six and locked onto it, "Sol 6, fox two!" He said as he fired a missile at the bandit.

"Bandit down! Good job, Sol 6!" AWACS Roxman said.

Luca continued to look for targets until he spotted an Osean Super Hornet heading for a residential area. The enemy pilot spotted him on his six and dropped altitude to try and shake him off perhaps hoping that he'd crash into one of the buildings. Luca stuck to the bandit like glue as he could catch glimpses of Erusean civilians running for their lives to escape the chaos.

Knowing that his wife and child were among the civilians down there, Luca's anger began to build and build. "You get off to this, don't you? It makes you feel big and bad, doesn't it? Going after civilians...women and children, the elderly. Well, how you like it when someone's shooting back you!?" When he was in gun range Luca pressed the trigger and fired the Morgan's 30mm cannon ripping the Osean Superhornet apart.

"Sol 6! Where the hell are you? We need your help over here!" Sol 3 said.

"Copy that, what's your location?"

"We're trying to lure the enemy fighters away from the evacuation routes!" Sol 3 replied.

"I'll be right there!" Sol 6 said.

Luca put both engines into full power and flew towards the last known location of his wingmen to assist them. When he arrived they were in a massive furball with both Erusean and Osean fighter planes. He watched in horror as an Osean F-35C scored a direct hit on an Erusean Typhoon and destroyed Typhoon crashing into a house below.

"Sol 6 what the hell are you doing!? Get your head in the game!" Sol 4 shouted.

"Y-Yeah!" Luca said as he locked onto the F-35 and fired a missile at it, taking it down.

"What's wrong with you?" Sol 5 added.

"Nothing! I can still fight, don't worry!" Luca said in his defense as he engaged another Osean fighter this time shooting it down with the 30mm cannon.

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