Chapter 9

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Few Days Later: Kenma's POV


"Sorry kitten." Kuroo said apologetically. I looked away and crossed my arms, extremely displeased. 

"Don't go." I demanded, hoping Kuroo would listen to me. Kuroo all of a sudden told me that he got a job offer, and a good one, but it was really far away... I mean.. Yes, I'm happy that he was getting offered a great job. But... the only alpha I've ever been interested in is now leaving.

"Kenma, I.. I can't turn this job down."

"How long did you know about it?" 

"I knew I was a candidate for the job. But, I knew I'd have to leave for about... a month."

"Why didn't you tell me."

"I don't know. I guess I was just... hoping I could court you in time before I'd have to leave." Kuroo mumbled quietly. I sat there quietly before getting up.

"I'm leaving.."

"Kenma. I'm sorry. I really am."

"Hmph." Is all I could muster as I walked towards his door. Kuroo tried to follow me, but I walked off and just silently headed home. 

"Stupid... alpha." I said to myself. I had just spent the past couple days to a week with Kuroo. And it was mostly because I was going through my heat and he was helping me. But, I had also willingly let him help since I liked him. 

Technically, I could go with him. But, I wasn't exactly marked by him and we weren't mates. I was still a bit reluctant to mark Kuroo, or for him to mark me. I had hoped before marking anyone, I'd have more time to get to know them.. 

Whatever. Like I've said before. Kuroo is just another alpha. I can find another. 

Few More Days Time Skip: Kuroo's POV

"Bokuto??" I called out, knocking at his door. 

Kenma hasn't talked to me since I told him about the job. I felt awful about it. I wasn't trying to lead him on or anything. I really was hoping to be able to court him in time so he could come with me. But, that didn't go as planned. 

He wouldn't answer my calls, texts, and I've even tried going to his place. But he just ignores me. I've left voicemails and messages but he doesn't respond to them. Who knows if he even reads or listens to them.

"Yeah?" I looked up when the door opened and I saw Bokuto.

"Hey, have you or Akaashi seen Kenma? I've been trying everything to see him before I leave tonight..."



"You know, I can't believe you didn't tell Kenma about you going. Keiji and I thought he knew." 

"Are you mad at me too..?"

"No. Just.. telling you what I think."

"You know that I can't pass up this job."

"I know."

"...So.. Have either of you heard or seen Kenma..??"

"Yeah. He's.. uh, he's actually here."

"He is???"

"Yeah. He's with Keiji."

"..Do you think he'll let me say goodbye...?"

"I'm not so sure. But, you're welcome in to try." Bokuto said as he stepped aside. I mumbled a thanks and stepped inside. I knew Kenma and Akaashi would probably be in the bedroom, so I went there and knocked. I heard a come in and opened the door.

I saw Kenma silently curled up with Akaashi. The two were cuddled in a nest. Akaashi looked at me, but Kenma kept his back to me. I wasn't sure if I should walk any closer or not...

"Kenma..?" I tried, but the omega didn't respond.


"Can I come closer?" I asked quietly. Akaashi looked down and whispered something to Kenma who whispered something back. When Akaashi lifted his head, he nodded and I walked over. I sat on the ground quietly and looked at the back of Kenma's head.

"...I'm sorry Kenma.."


"I really am sorry." I mumbled. I leaned forward, carefully and slowly. Kenma only moved slightly when I gave the back of his head a gentle kiss. Akaashi gave me quite a disapproving look as I got back up. 

I knew that I messed up any chance with Kenma. And he was truly the best omega I've ever laid eyes on, and probably ever will again. But, I suppose I'm not the alpha for him. So, I quietly said a goodbye to my friends and left. 

Kenma's POV

"Is he gone.." I mumbled quietly. Akaashi nodded and pulled me closer.


"...Is it bad I miss him already..?"

"Of course not." Akaashi said while rubbing my back. 

"Stupid Kuroo..." I grumbled, nuzzling my face into Akaashi's chest. 

"I'm sorry he didn't tell you.I wasn't aware you didn't know."

"Well, whatever. There's more important things to focus on than Kuroo." I said with a tiny smile, lifting my head to look at Akaashi. He returned the smile and gave me a nod. Last week, the same time as my heat, Akaashi and Bokuto.. you know. And Akaashi recently found out he was pregnant.

I'm happy for them. I truly am. So, I don't wanna dwell on Kuroo when I have a friend who is now expecting. Kuroo is leaving anyway, so, I may as well focus on who's here now. I just.. Kind of wish that Kuroo would've stayed too.

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