Chapter 20

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Akaashi's POV
"How's Kenma?"

"A mess. But he'll make it." I said as I walked into my alpha's and my bedroom. He smiled as I climbed into his lap to relax. Though, we had little to no time to be alone since our son decided to come in and join.

I cuddled him as he fell asleep for a nap. Kotaro and I laughed quietly as we simply enjoyed the moment. It was odd to think that both my and Kenma's sons are nearly 6. It felt like both were babies yesterday.

Grant is an omega like I am. Haru, however, is an alpha. It may be good for Kenma, if he decides to never be marked. He would have his son to help protect him. But I think that Haru could learn a thing or two from his father.

Few Days Time Skip: Kuroo's POV
Kenma should be coming to the end of his heat soon. I'm sure he's having trouble. Keiji promised me he'd visit make sure Kenma was alright over the time period and he said Kenma has been a mess. But I had to stay here and make sure that Haru was alright. Haru was actually making very close friends with Makoto. The two are becoming inseparable.

"I dare you!"


"You gotta it's a dare!"

"It's embarrassing!" I heard the two boys saying in the other room of the hotel. I raised my brow and set my phone aside before getting up and checking on them. When I poked my head into the room, both boys looked at me.

"Is everything alright in here?" I asked with a small smile. Haru had his arms crossed and was pouting as Makoto pointed.

"He won't do the dare. He lost!"

"The dare is embarrassing!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Is to-"

"Woah okay what was the dare...???" I said to try and stop the two from fighting. Both of them refused to tell me which just made me sigh.

"Okay well. As long as the dare isn't gonna hurt someone, have at it." I said and left the two alone to continue their games.

I wish that I could see Kenma. Or at least talk to him. But in his current state, that will surely up in a bad situation for both of us. So. I was stuck here. But at least Haru and Makoto were having a good time. I think.

I tried to lay down and go back to looking at my phone when suddenly I heard Makoto laugh and Haru Yelp. I got up quickly and ran into the room.

"Who's hurt-?!" I said in a panic. Makoto smiled happily as Haru hid his face in his hands.

"He did the dare." Makoto said with satisfaction.  I sighed and shook my head with a small smile.

"Will you tell me what the dare was now?"

"He lost the game. So he had to kiss my cheek." He said. I nodded with a small smile. Well, I can already tell that these two are going to be close. Who knows. Maybe even mates huh?

Few More Days Time Skip: Kenma's POV
"How did things go?" I asked with a faint smile, picking Haru up. He held onto me happily and started rambling to death about a new friend he met at the hotel he and Kuroo stayed at.

When he was done telling me all about it, I set him down and let him wander off to play. Kuroo laughed slightly and shook his head.

"I think he enjoyed the time. Oh, and uh.. Makoto's mom gave me her number and stuff so the two boys can keep in touch." He said and handed me a paper. I looked down at it and nodded.

"Thanks. I'm glad Haru enjoyed himself..."

"Yeah, I am too. Uhm.. how were things here. By yourself..??"


"Kenma?" Kuroo said gently. I turned my head to avoid facing the alpha, but I didn't stop him when he gently tilted my chin back so I had to look at him. I stared at him quietly before sniffling.

"I hate you... I hate that I couldn't stop thinking of you all week.. I hate that I couldn't stop thinking of you for the past 5 years..!" I said with a cry. Kuroo raised his brows before pulling me close to him.

I held onto him tightly, keeping my face hidden in his chest. He held me close for a while until I calmed down

"Sorry.." I said, wiping my eyes and trying to pull away. But Kuroo cupped one of my cheeks and pressed a soft kiss against my lips.

"You aren't the one who should be sorry. I'm sorry I left you. But I promise, I won't leave you, or Haru, ever again. If you'll allow me to stay."

"...I'm afraid to trust you."

"But do you?"

"..yes." I said, allowing the alpha to give me another kiss. I looked at him in silence while wrapping my arms around his neck. He gave me a reassuring smile and a few more kisses.

"How much do you trust me, Kenma?" He asked. I stood there, not quite sure how to answer. I'm still afraid to trust him. But. I still do. I want to trust him, and I want him to stay with me. And forever this time. No way do I want to give him up again.

"I trust you enough to let you mark me."

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