Mini Epilogue

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Year Time Skip

Bokuaka: Akaashi's POV

"You oka-"

"Don't. Even. Ask." I grumbled tiredly. My alpha chuckled and kissed along the back of my neck as I laid in bed tiredly. It was summer and all our kids were either at a summer camp or at their grandparents for the week. And I seriously needed the break.

"Anything I can do to help, Keiji? A massage maybe?"


"Why not? I can feel how tense you are." 

"Because almost every massage you gave me resulted in another child and I can't handle any more." 

"That isn't true..! Not every massage.."

"Yes, because you gave me some while I was already pregnant." I said with a tired sigh. Kotaro smiled and moved so I could roll over onto my back and look up at him. He smiled happily and kissed me.

"Okay okay no massage. Still up for going to Haru and Makoto's swim meet on the weekend though??"

"Of course I am. Besides, I'll get to see Kenma." I said while holding onto my alpha. Kenma and Tetsurou both shared their stories about being victims of an alpha who was previously convicted for murders and multiple cases of rape that they found dead in a lake. No one knows who killed him, but news reports were going around asking for victim's stories.

I couldn't believe it when I heard what the alpha did to Kenma. Or why he never shared it with anyone. Though who could blame him. It surely would have felt shameful to share. I couldn't imagine. But I was happy that he, Tetsurou, and Haru were all doing well. And I couldn't wait to see them at Haru and Makoto's swim meet. 

Daisuga: Daichi's POV

Where was Suga? Normally he was here when I got home from work, but tonight, I found him in our baby twins' room with them. I smiled faintly and walked closer to see my mate all curled up cozily in a nest.

Our twins, one a boy and one a girl, were snuggled up on him asleep. And much to Suga's wish, both ended up looking much like me. Suga would always tease and say that they acted like me at only 1 years old. I'm pretty sure that it was supposed to be a slight insult to me, but, I can't complain. He's the one dealing with twins 24/7.

Our oldest daughter, she's been more out of the house lately. She's only a teenager but she has a lot of friends she spends all day with after school. Of course she's still young but I think that her being gone all day, sometimes nights at a time with friends, feeds into Suga's empty-nest syndrome. And our babies sure do help. 

I left the room to let them all rest and went to my own room to shower. Before I could shower, my phone dinged. 

Suga: Are you home?

Me: Yes

Suga: Can you bring me cookies. I'm in the nursery

Me: Cookies?

Suga: Mhm. I'm hungry

He messaged me. I couldn't help but to laugh. Suga has been doing this often. He'd just text me when he felt hungry or wanted something, even if he could get it himself. But, I lived to pamper him. So how could I deny his request?

Kagehina: Hinata's POV

"TOBIO!" I shouted, my mate walking over with a huff.

"Boke! What do you want!" He shouted back at me in the same tone. I gave him a pout until he walked close enough that I could grab onto him. I ended up giggling which made my alpha soften his expression.

"Is something wrong, Shoyo?" He asked gently. I shook me head with a smile and only let him move enough so he could sit down on the ground  to cuddle with me. 

"Are you excited for the weekend?" I asked, Tobio giving a shrug before nodding. He and I are gonna go to Haru and Makoto's swim meet. Both of them are such good swimmers, I think they'll win their races. Or, however that works. 

It's crazy to think how big Haru has gotten. I mean, I knew him when he was just a baby and now he's 18. Not to mention that he's dating a handsome alpha. It was a bit odd that an alpha was dating an alpha, and even odder that they were still together. But, they were so happy together. And that's what made us all happy. 

Time Skip to After the Weekend and the Swim Meet

Kuroken + Makoharu: Kenma's POV

"Both boys are exhausted. What do you bet that they're asleep?" My alpha asked with a small smile as he and I finished up the laundry together.

"I'm sure they are asleep."

"Is something wrong kitten?"


"You just seem like you've been, distracted, all day. Even at the meet."

"Oh, I was just thinking of something."

"What is it?"

"Do you think that the two will become mates?"

"Maybe. They certainly love each other." Tetsurou said with a small chuckle. I nodded in silence and sighed. I'm happy that my son is with someone he loves. But, something in the back of my head has always scared me. What if Makoto leaves him..?

I don't want my son to ever have to experience the sadness of his loved one leaving like I had to. I was lucky that mine returned. And it isn't like Haru could ever get pregnant, but still. I always will want to protect my son from things, even ones out of my control.

"I'm going to go check on them." I said and got up. I went to Haru's room and knocked, but didn't hear anything. I tilted my head and slowly opened the door to see if they were alright.

I smiled softly when I saw the two laying together asleep. Mm... They both do love each other. And I think that they're going to be just fine. 


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