Chapter 7

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Kuroo's POV

"I said to let go of me..!" I said angrily, still trying to get inside the home where Kenma was.  Bokuto huffed while still holding onto me.

"Kuroo you gotta calm down..!"

"No! Let me go!"

"Kuroo-!" Bokuto said tiredly until Akaashi walked over.

"Kuroo, you can come inside." He said, Bokuto staring wide-eyed.

"Wait wait wait Kenma is in heat we can't let him-"

"It's okay. Kenma is asking for him."


"Kotaro, it's okay." Akaashi said, Bokuto slowly letting go of me and I nearly knocked Akaashi over running past him. I barged back into their home and found Kenma in there room. Kenma looked over at me as I shut the door and walked over to him.

The omega said nothing as I climbed onto the bed overtop of him. His scent was driving me crazy, and I couldn't control myself. I started tugging down Kenma's boxers a bit roughly, and he allowed me to. Kenma whimpered when I grabbed his legs and spread them, exposing him completely. 

"Kuroo..." Kenma whimpered. I looked at him, leaning forward after undoing my own pants. He cried out when I roughly pushed my member into his entrance.

"Agh... Tight.." I groaned out. Kenma grabbed onto me and started moving his hips. I growled and gripped his hips and pinned them to the bed, keeping him from moving. 


"I'm in charge." I said angrily, keeping him pinned before thrusting wildly. Kenma moaned repeatedly while also wrapping his legs around my waist, trying to pull me deeper. I panted before looking at his neck. why the fuck is he wearing a collar.. I don't know, but I want to mark him.

I kept thrusting before biting down on his neck where his scent gland was, but the collar didn't break. I pulled away slightly, trying several more times before realizing it wasn't going to give. 

"Fucking collar... Take it off." I demanded, Kenma's throat sounding scratchy from crying and moaning my name.


"Why not!"

"Needs a-a k-key.." He said. I stopped my movements for a moment, sniffing around the collar before seeing the small lock on the back. It made me angry that I couldn't mark him. He should be my omega. And I want to fucking mark him right now!

"Fine. I can't mark you yet but I can still knot you." I grumbled angrily, going back to moving my hips. Kenma didn't bother protesting at all. Instead, he moved his hips the best he could to meet my thrusts. 

Would I regret this once Kenma and I were in our right minds? Probably. But right now, all that matter to us was satisfying what our inner alpha and omega want. 

Next Day

Ugh, what happened..

I slowly opened my eyes to look around before feeling something grab me. I widened my eyes when I saw that it was Kenma in his sleep... He was naked.. I was naked too- And I was still inside of him....

"...Fuck." I whispered, slowly trying to pull my hips back. Kenma whined softly when I pulled out. Fuck, I didn't use any protection.. I started feeling concerned, especially to see my own seed beginning to drip from Kenma, confirming I had come inside him...

"Kuroo...?" Kenma mumbled half asleep. 

"I... I'm so sorry.."

"Huh? For what?" Kenma asked curiously. I avoided looking at him, feeling nothing but shame.

"I didn't mean to.. I just... I shouldn't have lost control like that..."

"Don't worry, Kuroo, the important thing is you didn't mark me."

"Huh??? That's the important thing here???" I said in shock. I mean, it is very important actually but.. I mean... There was another very jarring issue here..!


"Aren't you worried about... if I got you..."

"No, I'm not."

"You aren't?"

"No..." Kenma mumbled quietly. I furrowed my brows at his mood change.

"Are.. are you sure?"

"Yes. I.. I'm not worried about it because.. I uh.. I can't get pregnant." Kenma whispered. I widened my eyes slightly before pulling the omega close to me. Most omegas took so much pride in their ability to have pups. I've known omegas who were infertile and they've gotten rather depressed over it.

"Are you okay, Kenma..?"


"...Come on, let's take a bath." I said, Kenma nodding as I pulled away. When I sat up, I realized we were still in Bokuto and Akaashi's home.

"Oh shit.."


"...We aren't in my home are we.."


"...Where's Akaashi and Bokuto.."

"Akaashi said he and Bokuto would go to a hotel." Kenma said, reaching his arms out for me to carry him. I shook my head and slowly picked Kenma up and took him to the bathroom. Before I reached the bathroom, I glanced at their bed. 

"I'm going to be buying them new sheets.." I mumbled to myself before running a hot bath. Kenma was still tired, so I took care of him. He purred while I washed his hair and body. While I was washing his back, I started wondering if Kenma would have let me mark him.

I'm thankful he has the collar on. I don't remember terribly well what happened, but I do remember I tried marking him while in the moment. Did Kenma just let me go that far because he was in heat? Or, was it because he wanted me as his alpha...



"Are you okay?"

"Yeah.. Again, I'm sorry for losing control like that. It's just.. I've never been so... out of control like that. I promise I won't do it again."

"Heh.. Kuroo, you're such an idiot."

"Huh?" I questioned, Kenma struggling a bit, but turning around in the tub. He wrapped his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist. I watched as he rubbed his cheek against mine and purred.

"Kuroo, I wanted you to lose control on me."

"You did...?"

"I like you. And I wanted you to be the one helping me with my heat." 

"Does this mean you'll let me mark you???" I asked eagerly. Kenma laughed slightly before tilting his head.

"Hm... You're going to need to work a little more before I let you have me completely. Alpha~"

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