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I breathe heavily knowing we will be pulled out any minute.

Mio was hand signing to us something. It seems like the rest know what she said. They nod in response. I got shit eyesight. It was dark so its even more difficult.

Vicky noticed me squinting my eyes and rolled her eyes. She turned to me and hand signed. With every hand movement it spelled out: No matter what. Stay still. If they come closer, i will take one for the team.

Mio. You're the best.

I look at Mio's direction. I gave her a heart using my fingers. She stared at me blankly and put a finger on her mouth. Shushing me. I did the same in response.

The footsteps are coming closer. This is it.

Mio, I will never forget your sacrifice. I could feel a tear streaking down my cheeks. This is so emotional.

The leaves crunch with every step they took. We all made our body fit to the silhouette of the tree as tightly as possible.

"Oi, what are you doing?" Another voice was heard.
"I thought i heard someone here." "The president is about to make an announcement".

The footsteps was getting fainter and farther. Sounds like they left. Our cover was almost blown.

Everyone slumped down in relief.
"You bitches are damn loud." Vicky whispered.
I had enough of Vicky."I was surprised dammit." I could feel vein popping in my forehead. Vicky look like she was ready to go at me.
Nikki step in between and separated us. "This is not the time to mess around right now." She looks at me and back to Vicky.

We both calm down. I unclenched my fist. The air drying off the sweat on my palm.

Let's see whats going on.

We all hid behind Vicky. This way we can communicate better. "Move your hair. It's getting in my mouth. Peh Peh Peh" I had enough of people's hair today. Its against the school rule to keep your hair long.

I snickered at the thought. Delinquent and rules. Im beginning to sound like Nikki.

"Hey, look. Someone is coming out behind their leader." There was someone tall and lanky. Like that baldy over there. What a weird hairstyle. I can see his poor life choices from it. I wanna see his stupid face but i can't get a closer look. Many strands of black hair keep blocking my view.
"Your hair is in the way, Dumbass." Vicky's hair keeps brushing against my eyes.

Give me a break. I just want to see whos the other lanky guy.

"He's tall. Doesnt he look like someone we know?" Vicky pointed and turn to us.

"Valhalla?!" The middle schoolers exclaimed. We were as surprised as them. However their reaction is different from us. Seems like they do not like the surprise they were having.

"Valhalla? Never heard of them. Never bothered to care." I shrug. I kept squinting my eyes to see the guy better. "Wait minute, that look likes-"

Suddenly, the three frantically covered my views. "Oi! Get out. Mio? You too?" I could see fear and panic in her eyes. As for Nikki, she looked like she had seen the ghost of my past. Her jaw was wide open. Her pupils were shaking. Vicky covered my eyes. Her other arm restricting both of my arms. Both of her hands were shaking.

"You don't wanna see this." Nikki voice had no emotion. It was flat and stern. She sounds serious. Maybe I should stay still. "I guess i'll just stay like this and miss the show." I relax and leaned on Vicky's body.

THE BLACK WIDOW OF TOKYO | TOKYO REVENGERS AUWhere stories live. Discover now