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"Is this the right place?" I stood infront of a glass door of a building. It looks run down and sketchy.
Nikki is supposed to be. She told me to wait her here.

There's a small window beside the door. Tiptoeing, i was able to reach it.

I rub the frosted glass, revealing the inside. Putting both hands hovering my eyes, i squint my eyes.

It's a bowling alley.

My leg are starting to hurt. I rub my hands together creating some source of heat. It's getting colder everyday. If i had known it was going to be this cold, I wouldn't have worn a bomber jacket with just a shirt and sweatpants.

Nikki is not picking up my calls either.

People pass by looking at me weirdly. I can't blame them. They're wearing warm clothes while I look like Im going to break into someone's house.

The person you're trying contact is-

"DAMN IT NIKKI." I stomp my foot at the sound of Phone not picking up. "ARGH."

A couple stumbled upon me about to smash my phone into the ground. One was rubbing the the other's head. They stopped in their tracks, noticing me in the way. "What are you looking at? Move it." Their lovey dovey time was interrupted by me. "S-sorry!" They drag each other quickly into the building while whispering to each other.

"Hold the door." Somehow they did hold it for me. They look around their 20's but i was towering over them. The sound of upbeat music was blasting through the door way. It was warm inside. Wasting no time standing in this cold, i walk past the couple.

I slid my hands in the pocket warming them. I look around the rows of people throwing bowling balls. My eyes stopped at the familiar girl with braids. "There she is." But she wasn't alone. A girl with our school's uniform was sitting and laughing at Nikki's failed attempt to bowl. "Miki! Get your ass over here!" Nikki wave her hands in the air and gestured me to come to here.

"Why didn't you pick up my calls, dumbass?! I had stand in the fucking cold for so long while you were having fun with a cute girl." I didn't care that Nikki was glancing her eyes toward the girl seemingly telling me to stop. This is not going anywhere.

I sighed and fix my jacket. "Hello~ I'm Nikki's friend, Miki. Do you perhaps go to our school?" The girl had questioning look seeing my sudden attitude change. "O-oh yeah i do go to the same school as Sasaki-senpai."

Senpai? Is she a year below us? Wondering how'd the two meet, i turn to Nikki for answer

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Senpai? Is she a year below us? Wondering how'd the two meet, i turn to Nikki for answer. "Me and Yuzuha-chan met a while ago. When you were in juvie." Ah. Juvie. A really memorable time indeed. "Why did you have to reveal such a terrifying information to a cute harmless girl?" I shake my head and crossed my arms.

Nikki scoffed "Trust me. She's far from harmless." Yuzuha-chan giggled. Is there something i don't know?
"I was wondering if..." Yuzuha understands right way when i do the 'call me' gesture.

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