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Recommend song:
playιng: [Smells like teen spirit ] - [Nirvana]
1:35 ──────ㅇ───────── 3:47

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volυмe : ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇▉

We arrived at a tall white building.

A church? Is Mikey religious?

No. That's not the reason why he led us. There's definitely something up with a bunch of bad looking dudes heavily guarding the church's door. Something thats even more concerning is that they're wearing a uniform.

Not any ordinary uniform but A gang uniform.

The sound of wood breaking and loud thumps can be heard inside the church. Something tells me they are doing some unholy shit inside. Definitely not praying or celebrating Christmas or whatever the fuck you're supposed to do in a church. I don't know man I'm not Christian.
Mikey's CB25OT bought all attention to us. The roughed up looking dudes started walking toward us. The cold air immediately wafts my way. "Shit what do we do now?" We all rushed toward the door as fast as we could.

The snow crushing beneath our feet mixed with the shouts of the gang members "What the hell do ya think ya doing?!" "Get them!"

Mikey and Nikki managed to pass through them. As for me and Draken, we were blocked off. The guys in gang uniforms completely surrounded us. At least they both made it inside. Whatever is going down in there, I hope they come back out alive. But its Nikki we're talking about. She can handle it just fine. As for Mikey's case, I'm curious what will be the result.

Is he really invincible as they say?

I have no time to worry about them. Right now I'm surrounded by these amateurs. I look around to find Draken, Hoping to see his ass getting beat but no. "What the..." I whispered in disbelief as he takes on 5 guys at a time. He single handedly bashing through the ones in front of him, the ones coming from the sides, AND THE ONE ON HIS BACK? Every guys that meets his fist suddenly curls down in pain, unable to pick themselves back up.

He's throwing them around like dolls. What kind of monster is he?  "Hey baby." Whoever just called me baby definitely does not want to live. I turn around to see a smug looking gang member with his members cheering and whistling like dogs in heat. As i take a closer look, there's black dragon swirling around the letter "B" and "D". That's an obvious copy of Black widow. That's our initial. It took me a lot of time to come up with the name. They're just giving me more reasons to beat them up.

I took off my jacket, leaving only my long sleeved sports crop top and my black sweatpants. I really should get rid of it. Its all torn and ripped. The jacket landed onto the snow. 

"Ooo She's going to give us a show." The mad dogs cheered.

The cold wasn't bothering me. My body was already heating up; ready to go at them. I lift both my fist at the eye level with my feet at a fighting stance. "Whaddya think you're doing? We don't fight girls. Go home and play with dolls or something." They all laughed like a pack of hyenas. I scoffed and replied. "Well I don't like hitting girls either but for you , I'll make an exception."

There we go. I can sense the murder instinct in each and everyone of them. They're finally starting to get serious. They're eyeing me down like a prey.
However, its the other way around.

They're the prey.

"You bitch!" A tall one came rushing toward me. He's aiming for my face. I swiftly duck down. Before he can land a punch, I aim at his stomach. "Harkkk!" The awful sound escaped his mouth as he falls down to the floor. He grabs his stomach writhing in pain then passed out. "Usually it takes two punch but oh well. Come at me and i'll show you a good time~" I gesture them to come. It seems it provoked them because the whole fucking pack is coming at me.
"ORAAA!!" They shout in unison. I clench my fist harder enough making my nails dig deep into my palm. I need to clear them all in order to reach the church.

Suddenly, two guys leaped forward, charging at me. Luckily for them, I have two hands. I smashed my palms into the sides of their head, creating a human sandwich. The sounds of my palm hitting echoed through the air. Their mouth a gap in pain with their eyes white. I directed my hands toward the buff dude as the two guys limp down towards the ground. I swung my fist toward his nose impairing his vision. Blood splattered all over my hand. Fucking disgusting. I quickly wipe it on my sweatpants. The buff dude was trying to focus and regain his balance but instead falls back behind onto his own members. Immediately, about a dozen guys were knocked out.

A heavy force was thrust upon me. I quickly found myself on floor. Why did i suddenly fell down? My chin meets with the snow and the concrete below it. Pain all over my back like someone just threw three full bags of rice at me.  I was piled over by a couple of unconscious dudes. How did they get here? The concrete vibrates as someone makes their way toward me.
"Miki! You ok?" Draken frantically throw out the guys on my back.

"What the fuck was that for?!" I struggle to recover my legs as they were numb. My arms managed to push me up allowing me to sit up straight. My head hung low trying to regain back my sight. I see a couple pairs of boots faced toward me. I scan up to see the idiot who's responsible for this. "I didn't see you there so i swung them to clear the way." He reaches his hand toward me but i slapped it away.  "Is my bright red hair not visible enough to you?" He furrowed his eyebrows looking hella ugly. I placed my hands on my knees pushing myself back up. I can feel the snow on me everywhere. It wasn't white anymore. Draken kept his eyes on me as i brush off the brown snow slushy off my body.

"Baldy." The words seethed through my mouth. I think he heard that. "Oi. Speak up." His tone shifted from worried to angry. But I'm not only trying to piss him off. I'm riling him up for the guys that are starting to circle around us.

The snow crunched as the half beaten gang guys closer to us. Some cracking their knuckles and some smacking the bats into their palm. "Draken, you made them angry. Now they're getting ahead of themselves." I took many steps backwards as they were getting closer. My back bumped into something hard and warm yet soft.

Draken's back is against mine.

The sweat on his back started to transfer onto mine. "AND WHO THE HELL SWEAT IN WINTER?!" But right now, I have bigger things to worry about. "It's soaking my top. You better buy me a new one."

"Miki. You got my back right?" He says in a low tone.
"Yeah. Like literally." I replied.

They're closing in on us and there's no path to escape. We have no choice but to fight together.


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