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I woke up. My body jerked up without a warning.

Me, sitting on my bed, staring blankly at the wall. The wall twist and turn. Taunting me. Its started to form a face.

You look stupid with that pretty face of yours. Such a waste. What would your mother think? Did she die for nothing?

Die. Die. Die.

Im going crazy. The wall is talking to me.

Everything is fucked up nowadays. I just want fuck shit up right now. I just want to lose myself. Even I'll fuck that up too.

"This is a pain..." now that I'm awake, i have to do stuff. "My eyes are killing me. Its so early." The clock on the wall ticks. Alerting me. Its 5am in the morning.

I pull the blanket away from me and shuffle to the right side of my bed. I manage to pull myself despite my legs feeling like jelly. I regret sleeping in a weird position.

The sun is almost out. The sky is orange. Its head sticking up at the horizon. Makes me want to get some hot chocolate. Ahh now I'm sleepy and hungry. I clench my fist in frustration.

Hot chocolate. How nice~

I decide to grab something from the kitchen. The house is silent without Nikki preparing breakfast.

I guess she slept at her place last night. I suggested her to move in with me multiple times. But she insisted that she'll come visit and have sleepovers instead.

Luckily, There's some leftover in the fridge. Theres cooked salmon and cold Miso soup. That should do it.

|                              After breakfast.                                  |

Nikki picked me up at my house to meet up the members. "They are all gathered at parking lot."
Its rumored that a brawl happened there. A guy was stabbed. Out of place, Thats where we meet.

As we near the parking lot, There's already a lot of the members. Our uniform colored the parking lot black. The signature pink spider each on every back.

That is our pride. We show off our symbol and wear it proudly. When Mio first suggested this design, everyone immediately agreed.

The sun was high yet the air is cold

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The sun was high yet the air is cold. Its a sign that autumn is passing.

We entered the parking. The members made way for us.

"Good work!" Everyone bowed down with their hands on their back.

Nikki drove me up to where Mio and Vicky are standing. "The president have an important announcement for you all!" Nikki announced. "Listen carefully."

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