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Recommend song:
playιng: [Freaking out the neighborhood ] - [Mac DeMarco] 
1:35 ──────ㅇ───────── 3:47 

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volυмe : ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇▉

I cling onto Nikki's waist as she drives. Her braids was flinging all around the air and clashing onto the helmet. There were beads at the end of her braids. It smash with the helmet's cover.

"IF I DIDNT KNOW YOU, I WOULD YANK THOSE BRAIDS A LONG TIME AGO." The bike was damn loud. I could barely hear my own voice.

"YOU CAN TRY BITCH" Niki was also having a hard time. Nikki and the helmet is making irritated.
"DRIVE FASTER." Nikki revved the handle and leaned forward.

It wasn't fast. At least to my liking.

"WHY DIDNT YOU BRING YOUR BIKE?" She yelled louder. "DONT ACT DUMB. YOU KNOW WHY." I could tell Nikki was regretting asking that question.

We fell silent. Damn it. Not this again.

Because why? Because we know the reason why i stopped driving. Its all because of him.

"Sorry." Even though the loud humming of the bike covers nikki's voice, i could hear her voice vibrate all over her body. It screams "sorry" alright. The tension   Is getting tense.

I know she didn't mean it. But it recalled a memory. It was that type that i push at the back of my head.

His face

His smile. That fucking smile. It humiliated me.

And the smell of cigarettes.

No. Get out. GET OUT.

But who was he again? Why am i seeing his face? I forced myself to forget this person. Now I'm beginning to remember him again.

I got more stuff to worry about than this right now.

We continue to stay silent half way. I got sick of it. I don't want this to continue any longer. Im tired of this person coming between us.

I took off the straps of the helmet. It was pointless So i threw it on the road. It tumbled and fade into the distance as we drive off. Might as well die together.

Nikki noticed it and began yelling at me "MIKI, WHAT THE FUCK." I laughed at her swearing. Nikki hardly swears so its refreshing to see it coming out of her mouth. Nice way to break the tension.

My stomach was hurting from laughing hard. My body begin to fall backwards. I couldn't bring myself up.

Oh no. Im going to die. It's happening . Not like this. This is not cool at all. This is not how i plan to die.

Then the bike was going faster than ever. My body was forced back to the front. I cling onto nikki's waist. Her skirt was flapping hard. We didn't change into our gang uniform. We were still in our school's uniform. 

I place my hand weighing down her skirt so she can focus on driving.

"THANK ME LATER." She yelled over her shoulder and smirked. I rest my head on her shoulder.

The sky was beginning to turn dark. The sun was setting. The streetlights are on. We're definitely late. Vicky is going to give me an earful.

What is it with these girls acting like mothers?

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