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"GET DOWN HERE YOU-" Draken tried to speak but got cut off by the cocoa pouring on his face.
"HUHHH WHADIDYA SAAAAY" The lukewarm coco droops down perfectly straight into draken's annoying talking mouth. All i could hear now is his gargling voice.

Serves him right! Who do he think he is, coming to MY house and drinking MY drink?! Well, I'm the one who's pouring it down BUT SERVES. HIM. RIGHT.

"Oops. My hand slipped. Too baaad." I stick my tongue out enraging the soaked Draken even further.  "Welp girls let's go inside and make a new batch." Mio moves helplessly as i tug her inside with me. I'm sure Nikki will be disappointed but that's for later because right now i feel really satisfied.

"Miki...I think you should help him...clean up first." Mio abruptly stops causing me to bounce back outside a little. Nikki was trying to calm down the situation "Draken-kun! Uhh...UHM...d-do you want a towel? No...Its Miki's. I'll think of something. VICKY ITS NOT FUNNY." Vicky was laughing hard and pointing. Adding salt to Draken's wound, Mikey joined in the banter laughing.

I turn my head back to Mio and groaned "Dont wanna." Nikki brush pass me as she rush into the room. "Don't you wanna know why they're here...outside your house? And i think you tormented him enough...Its Christmas after all." Hearing Mio's reasoning, It makes me wonder.

Why the fuck would they be here? Shouldn't the two of them celebrate with their family? or friends?Friends...That reminds me. I know. Its at the tip of my tongue. T...T...T...

That's right! Takemitchy.

Usually I see him hang around those two like an obedient puppy. It's weird that he's not here. He might be celebrating with his family. Something tells me there's something wrong.
"Okay fine. I'll go down."
"Really?" Mio raises her eyebrows.
"Yeah. Also" Nikki came back out just in time for me to snatch a t shirt and the familiar cardigan from her hands. Nikki eyes was wide open enough for me to see her pupils "Mio...You're seeing this right. Is she finally feeling some pity after putting the poor guy through hell?"

I feel a sour taste in my mouth. "Its not like i feel bad but i'm doing this for my mental health." That's right. Its for my mental health and nothing else. I slowly head toward the stairs, dragging my feet, while Nikki and that annoying ass mf Vicky cheers and clap. "Wow Miki! Finally accepting her consequences!" As I descend down the stairs further, The strong aroma of hot coco hits my nose. This time it's mixed with the sweat of a middle school boy. Not really pleasant if you ask me.

Draken somehow still haven't wipe that stupid smirk from his face. "Deciding to help? That's odd. Did you hit your head on the way?" I clutch the fabric in my hands. I was in a brink of ripping him into threads. I take a deep breath and assured myself that I'm doing this for me. "Wouldn't hurt to do some charity sometimes. Especially for someone who's riding around Tokyo on Christmas with a jacket and a hoodie." I threw the bundle at him and he swiftly caught it. "Hmph. You better give that shirt back after wiping your face" I crossed my arms and continued, "and you're welcome. The machine washed that cardigan for you. Not me." I walk pass him and lightly bump into him. "Alright. Whatever you say." He chuckled and I...

Smiled? I'm sure that was nothing...I can feel his eyes on back as I continue to walk toward Mikey.
Is he checking me out? That bald bitch. Mikey stood near his bike and sat in-front checking the mirrors.

"So Mikey." He turn his attention from the mirrors to me and smiled. "Hm? Oh Ki-chin. Hellooo~." Mikey waves his hand in my face and i softly move it out of my face.
"Yes, Hi. What made you decide to come here? Shouldn't you be celebrating Christmas? I mean you can come in if you don't really know where to go."

"It's fine. Actually. I'm heading somewhere with Draken. It just happens that i come across your house. Your friend over there told me where you live." He waved over at Nikki. She awkwardly waved back.
"Oh. So you'll be on your way soon?"
"Hmmmmm I'm not really in hurry. Since you asked, Do you wanna tag along?" He winked and gestured to the bike.
"Me?" I tilted my head and pointed to myself.
My instinct told me to turn back to check if draken's still looking andddd... HE IS. FUCK I ACCIDENTALLY MADE EYE CONTACT. I can feel my ear heating up again. I'll just quickly look up at the girls. Yeah let's pretend I didn't see wanna see him.

Act normal. Act normal.

Oh for fuck sake. They're giggling. And i know for sure why they are. Vicky eyes are pissing me. She made me look back down. BACK TO HIM.
He smugly put his hands into his pockets and open his mouth. "Something wrong?"
"Nothing. Shut up baldy. ANYWAYS I'll tag along, Mikey." Mikey smiled and smacked my shoulders despite the height difference. "Alright. Let's go."

|                                                                                            |

Nikki decided to come along to check on me. Mikey is driving Draken this time. I sit back and let Nikki drive as usual as I am not allowed to drive. And you may ask: Who wouldn't allow a whole ass biker gang president ride her motorcycle?

The answer is: The Vice President. The last time i drove, well; It didn't end up good.

So here I am. Sitting along side my nemesis. In this cold ass winter. Heading somewhere.
"Where exactly are we going?" I didn't have to scream this time since we're driving in a moderate speed. But...something stab me in my guts and it's telling me to go fast. "Nikki. Rev up." Upon hearing my sudden request, Mikey somehow knew it too.  "Takemitchy..." I whispered under my breath.

Something is wrong.

(A/N: I missed writing so much( ; ω ; ) Thank you for waiting for me. i hope you enjoy today's chapter. )

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