Important Announcement

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Before, I start I want to thank each and every one of you who has been reading this book, from start to finish. If you see the way I wrote Life of a female Gangster, exactly one year ago, and see how far I have come.. you already know I improved a ton!

Anyways. This is a important announcement, because this story will be wrapping up soon.

I have decided I may continue this series, just so we can wrap up a few loose ends.

With that being said, the fourth and last book will not start for awhile, I must take a break from this series.

I would love to start a new series, which I believe you guys will LOVE.

Go to my works, and Look at 'Latin Kings.' Read the first chapter, give me your  feedback.

Is this something that may spark intrest? Please, I hope you will love it.

I'm excited to write the book, but only if you guys are willing to walk through with me, on this.

SO CHECK out Latin Kings. A chapter of Trigger finger itchin will be coming soon. Let me get my thoughts in order. 

Thanks for being wonderful fans. xoxoxo


IG: prettygangordie

Trigger Finger Itchin' [Third Book to LOAFG]©Where stories live. Discover now