A/n: Enjoy this chapter. I don't know how long it's going to be, but I hope you guys like it. Anywho don't forget to recap on what happened in the 1st and 2nd book. Because a lot of surprising things will be returning into this book. Some things might confuse you and you might be like w.t.f?? But anyways bare with me.
I was restless and irritated, for ole boy to come back. All I wanted to do was go home, but the question of 'What does he know?' rattled my brain. He began to tell me something, that almost gave him away but he stopped immediately. I don't know, and I just wanted Devon really bad. I took in a deep breath and even felt myself getting homesick. Why does so much drama always happen to me?
I felt like every since I joined the stupid gang there's been nothing but trouble. I didn't know who I was anymore. My use to be best friend, her baby and her boyfriend is dead. All I have is Devon and Josh.
My Auntie was M.I.A at the moment and I haven't heard from her at all. It was all so f*cked up that I just wanted to curl up in a ball and die. Okay, not literally but you know what I mean.
He was going to be gone, along time. He sent one of his little minions to watch me as if I were a little kid. I can tell this guy was into freaky shit because he kept on eyeing me, and licking his lips.
I glared at him the entire time, and found out his name was Trevor. He wouldn't tell me anything else. While, he was on the couch on his phone I was sneaking around the house trying to figure out a way to get the hell out of here.
I searched drawers discreetly and this dude was stupid enough, not to lock his shit up. I saw a few picture frames and I was just about to pick them up, when I heard a noise.
"What the hell you doin?" Trevor asked.
I turned around quickly, and put my hands behind my back. I gave him a slow innocent smile.
"Nothing, damn. But you scared me."
"Yo ass, was trying to be sneaky that's what that was." Trevor replied in an amusing tone. He slipped his phone in his pocket and gave a few steps towards me. I didn't like that look of hunger in his eyes, and I stepped back. My back hit the wall.
"I know I'm suppose to be watching you, but damn you sexy." He said licking his lips.
I involunatarily shuddered at the way he was looking at me. I wanted to kick him in his throat to be honest with you.
Trigger Finger Itchin' [Third Book to LOAFG]©
Action© All rights reserved to Idenity The gang is back. Well at least part of the gang is back. The crew is still out on the run to see who really killed their fellow gang member. Will love get in the way of things? Or will their trigger finger before fo...