CHAPTER 11: Stupid choices

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Evan Cooper

"Are you wearing my shirt?" Evan asked and let his eyes wander from Junior's shocked face to his shirt, the boxers and lastly to his bare legs. He wanted to keep staring, but then Junior opened his mouth.

"It's soft. You shouldn't have given it to me, if you didn't want me to use it." Junior grumbled. His cheeks turned red, which was the most adorable thing Evan had ever seen. He wanted to tease Junior about it, but as he was already on thin ice, it was better not to. Otherwise he would end in a body bag for sure.

"No, I don't mind. I'm just happy to see you like it." Evan gave Junior his most winning smile while looking around in the room. It was scarcely the time for it, but he couldn't help feeling curious.

It was a small room, equally as shabby as the rest of the house. The wallpaper was ripped and plain, the old wood floor scratchy. There were just a small wardrobe, a concise bed and a bedside table. Everything was neatly put in the room, and on the floor was a stack of books and food and water for PB.

"You like reading?" Evan smiled. Some of the books sounded familiar to him, but most didn't. Evan wasn't much of a reader, because of his dyslexia. For that reason reading and writing had always been difficult for him.

"Is that so surprising?" Junior cocked his eyebrow, glaring at Evan. "Are you here to talk about literature or did you have something to say?"

"Yeah.. About that. I don't want to keep fighting, so can we please just make up? I'm really, really sorry for what I did." Evan began. He was feeling nervous now that Junior was glaring at him like that.

"Aren't you going to sing me a ballad?" Junior asked and narrowed his eyes.

"Huh? I can, if you want to."

"I'm kidding. You better not do that." Junior shrugged and grinned briefly. He didn't seem angry anymore.

"Thank god. I'm a terrible singer."

"Just don't ever pull a stunt like that again. If you do, I'll hang you from your balls, are we clear?" Junior threatened, no doubt meaning every word. Evan swallowed.

"I promise."

Junior let him stay for nearly an hour. They didn't actually talk that much, but Evan felt like he was the happiest guy on Earth now that Junior wasn't angry at him anymore and he got to hang out in his room.

Maybe he was a fool falling so deep like he had, but there wasn't much he could do about it anymore. Other than to try to gain Junior's trust and be there with him till the end of the school year.

Only when Paul started some ludicrous vociferous protest downstairs, Junior told Evan to go. It didn't take a genius to know Paul was wasted when he slurred and made noise like that.

I hate that man.

I hate him so freaking much.

I hate him for the pain he causes Junior, I hate him for daring to hurt him.

"Are you sure there won't be a problem?" Evan asked when he was already halfway out of the window.

"I told you, I'm not some delicate fucking flower." Junior muttered. Delicate fucking flower or not, Evan wanted nothing more than to take him away from that awful house.

Dario Ortiz

Dario had been talking with Mark, who had sent Dario a direct message on Instagram, for a week now. Dario had answered him and somehow they had ended up talking every day.

Once Dario had mentioned his insomnia and the panic he felt every time he went to school, Mark offered to give him a little "fix". Dario knew he should have said no, but as desperate as he was, he had promised to see him after school.

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